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Status of: http://www.edendevelopments.co.uk/

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Your suggestion has been received and is awaiting review. We can't predict when that might be. If it hasn't been listed in 6 months from today, please ask again in this same thread.

Thanks very much for your so swift reply! Just so I am clear, you are saying that the suggestion for listing the website is still 'in the system' awaiting clearance (or not as the case may be)? So I should *not* resubmit it?


In say a month's time, can I ask here for confirmation that it has been rejected and (if it was) for a reason why it was rejected? Six months seems a long time to wait!


Thanks again for your help which I really appreciate:)

  • Editall/Catmv
Thanks very much for your so swift reply! Just so I am clear, you are saying that the suggestion for listing the website is still 'in the system' awaiting clearance (or not as the case may be)? So I should *not* resubmit it?




In say a month's time, can I ask here for confirmation that it has been rejected and (if it was) for a reason why it was rejected? Six months seems a long time to wait!


6 months it is, I'm afraid.

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