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Could you please tell me why this submission was declined? Also, can whatever was wrong with it be rectified and the site re-submitted for reconsideration?


Thank you.


Bill Hinrichsen

  • Meta

The answer to the second question, for a e-tail website, is nearly always (99.9+% of the time) "no, it can't be rectified; and resubmittal is just spam."


Which is part of why we don't discuss the details. Think of it like this:


"Mr. Vet, my puppy isn't eating well."

"But it's a beany baby...."

"I know, but it isn't eating well at all."

"But beany babies don't eat."

"I know that! Now how do you make it well?"

"I can't make it well."

"How do you know until you try?"

"Look, it's got a tag on its leg saying "beany baby"!

"No problem, I'll just cut off the tag. See now! Mr. Vet, my puppy isn't eating well."

"But it's a beany baby."



There are no good conclusions to the conversation.

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