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Guest gimmster

djdeeds meant http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Colorado/Localities/D/Denver/Business_and_Economy/Home_and_Garden .

If I was reviewing that today, I'd decline it for lack of location relevance. If you don't have a physical presence in a locality, it's hard to justify it being listed in Regional without a lot of locally relevant information. To me it looks like it could be a lead generator (ring this number and we'll put a local business in touch with you, but you'll think it's us.)


I am using a 'worst case' example. If you actually do have physical presences in Colorado Springs, Denver, and Pueblo put that (verifiable) information on the site, and submit an update request to the existing listing. (The closest physical business with your name is in Monument, but has a different phone number, in a Yellow pages search.)


Note we don't list by service area, but by presence for the most part in the Regional branch.






Thanks so much for the information! I will certainly update the site with that information as I never even though that it might not look legitimate!


Thanks again,


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