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Thanks for the reply.


Thank you very much for your quick reply.


Will I be notified when our site is listed? Or do I have to browse Open Directory regulary to check?


Thanks again.


Best Regards,


Young Kim

  • Meta

You will not be notified. Think a moment --- whom could we notify? (you don't have to give a valid e-mail address to suggest a site; websites don't have any standard place to contain a "contact the webmaster" button -- and, of course, in general we have no clue whether submitter@nowhere.com is the webmaster or the SERP perp or (as the original concept of the ODP would suggest) just a surfer who knew about a good site.)


And why would we notify you? How would that help build the directory? (hint: it couldn't) And how would it endanger the editor (hint: when you review 10,000 sites even a tiny fraction of a percent real psychos as webmasters (and believe me, it's at least that), and you've given away your e-mail address to at least one violent vicious party.


You're welcome to browse the Open Directory. Don't bother to try search more often than once a month -- it's not really updated any more often than that, and you're just watching the pot not boil.


But keep things in perspective. An ODP listing goes to sites that (in the editor's judgment) don't need an ODP listing -- because we know perfectly well by logic and experience that the others are doomed even with a listing.


So make sure your site will succeed regardless of what or when the volunteers do.




Thanks for your answer and comments. I got your point.


The success of a website is dependent on lots of things. One of the things is listing the site in Open Directory.


Thanks again.



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