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Status request: http://www.france-property-and-information.com

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Could someone tell me the status of the site submission for http://www.france-property-and-information.com? It was submitted on the 22nd March (give or take a day, depending on time zones).


I believe that I submitted it under Regional/Europe/France; in sub-category "Real Estate" or sub-category "Guides + Directories".


Thank you in advance for any information that can be provided on the status.


Best regards, Doug Stewart

  • Meta

Please read the forum guidelines

We need a clickable link for the category

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Should I resubmit


I haven't received a response to my EMAIL of last week asking the status. I'm not sure why this is. Perhaps the editors are too busy, maybe I haven't followed the rules in the way I asked for status, or perhaps my submission to the stated categories can't be found. In any case, need to know what I should do. Should I resubmit and try again in another month?

  • Meta

Editors hardly ever respond to email status request -- it is not safe.


Not waiting in either of those categories. You may submit again (and since the submittal isn't there yet, check for status after only one month).


I'd work very hard to find the most specific SINGLE category possible -- both of those are very general, and lazy submitters often just dump there, thus placing themselves in a LONG line to wait to ... be moved into the right line to wait for a review. (Of course, there are no lines, just swarms.... but still, the smaller the swarm, the better your chances for a quick review.)

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