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http://letsdirect.co.uk/ does not work - you need to get your tech people to fix it

<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/letsdirect/include.jsp" %>


<%-- Redirected because we can't set the welcome page to a virtual URL. --%>

<core:redirect url="/index.htm"/>


Lets Direct


Hi Jim,


thanks for your reply,


the url that was registered http://letsdirect.co.uk/ did stop working a year or so ago, thats why i've been trying to get it altered to http://www.letsdirect.co.uk for a while now (which has always worked). When i realised it had been removed from the directory completely I did re submit.


so please could you give me the status of my submission for http://www.letsdirect.co.uk






No help then?


Hi Jim,


the statement about http://www.letsdirect.co.uk not working for a year is wrong. I've explained the situation and I can have some of my 3000 registered landlords add to this thread if you don't believe me. Is there any way at all my entry can be reinstated?






p.s. am i being paranoid here or is someone deliberately trying to keep me out of the directory?


You are being very paranoid


http://letsdirect.co.uk/ does not work and that's what was in the directory for several years - and that's what was removed. We generally assume there is no difference between having www. or not having it, and consider it the site owner's responsibility to make sure they both work. If an editor happens to notice that one works and the other does not, it might get changed, but there is no guarantee.


Personally I think it's bad management on your part to ignore that problem, since you lose business, but nevertheless you can still get a listing under the www. But right now you are starting from scratch to get a new listing.


Jim asked you a question and you seem to have ignored it.


Please let me know the status of http://www.letsdirect.co.uk


Just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get me...


I'm sorry - I didn't realise Jim was asking a question - he did say i should read the guidelines before asking for a status request - but having read them I realised that the last time i resubmitted was only a week ago therefore I need to wait a month before asking for a status request.


Just in case though here is what Jim asked for


Please let me know the status of http://www.letsdirect.co.uk, submitted April 26th 2005 to








p.s. Yes I shouldn't have ignored the problem - the problem began about a year ago when I migrated to a new server and deployed my new web site and integrated it with worldpay etc etc etc. All while working full time - just so I can supply a valuable and free service to residential landlords without pop - ups and no links to some dodgy bit of software which allows all the property rental sites to display the same property adverts. It's just too much for one guy sometimes ... sniff


Maing a plea to get listed in this forum is almost like the kiss of death. If I had been about to review your site, I would now refrain until a safe period had passed. Many watch this forum, and if they were to see that request to get bumped would then receive special treatment would then led to the forum being swamped with requests. [However, I don't have the permission to edit that category so it makes no difference to me]


I would also point out that if your business is suffering - you shluld bail out now - a DMOZ listing will not make the difference that you need. If you can't survive without DMOZ, you will not exist with it.


If your busines is that close to failure, it would not in fact be a great idea to list your site, since it would cause customers to come to you and then find themselves dealing with a bankrupt entity.


I really don't see how the lack of a status report can affect your business and I'm sure you're already well aware that posting here will not expedite the processing of a listing suggestion.


I've already asked you to reread this forum's guidelines. You must have missed the requirement to wait at least a month after your most recent submission before enquiring here.


This is a volunteer organisation and we have forum rules to ease our task and to avoid being swamped by the persistently impatient. We don't take very kindly to those who ignore them and neither are we impressed by your trollish remarks in another thread.


You say your most recent submission was on 26th April, in which case nobody will be answering a status request until 26th May at the earliest.


Just to make it easy for you to remember all that, I've banned you until then.

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