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Hi, folks! Just wanted to check the status of my site that i submitted over 2 months ago....I know you folks can be real busy at times and I was attempting to be patient with the process....Btw, I have an idea, I think DMOZ should charge money for *express submissions* similar to yahoo. The DMOZ editors and the DMOZ organization would than split the submission fee profits...Just an idear ;) I feel this idea would make editors more eager to review submissions and would make it more worth their while.


I thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation into this matter :)



I am pretty sure i submitted it to:



http://dmoz.org/Business/ main category and it was the Real Estate > Agent sub directories i am pretty sure, but, than again it was quite awhile ago :S


Real estate agents and agencies only belong in one place: within regional, in the locality where the office is physically located.


Determine your office address, find the matching locality, submit to the real estate subcategory under business and economy. There may or may not be subcats under Real estate, if so, find and use the appropriate one.


Then, return to this thread no sooner than one month after you make that single submssion, and do the clickable link thing again with the new cateogry and we will take a peek.

  • Meta

We flat don't do webmaster services. Not for free, not for any money.


Hence there's no point in taking money to expedite what we wouldn't have done anyway.


I'm trying to figure out what's going on with this domain. It looks unlistable, but not for the same reason it was allegedly unlistable before. How long have you had it?


Yes indeed - and for those who don't get the message here - this situation is covered by http://www.dmoz.org/add.html


Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.


So when Eric at extension 241 and Audrey at extension 222 - have numerous mirrored sites, and submit those sites to the same category where the mother load site has already been listed - they may find unwelcome results.

with all due respect folks, we are developing each of those other sites individually and WE HAVE NOT, i repeat, WE HAVE NEVER submitted any of the other sites before - I am very aware of the mirror rules through dmoz and I would never ever think to goop up the editiorial process with a bunch of mirrors........the other sites referenced in the main site, http://www.Buy-Your-Dream-Home.com are all going to be individually developed and ONLY WHEN they are complete and are new sites to themselves will they EVER BE CONSIDERED for submittal to dmoz. None of my sites have been submitted to dmoz before, except maybe chesapeakestreet.com which we had to abandon when my team switched brokerage houses...so if that one does exist (which it doesnt because i already checked), it needs to be removed and the new and improved http://www.Buy-Your-Dream-Home.com needs to take it's place. Thanks again and please understand that i am not attempting to circumvent any of the rules you folks have in place, i am merely attempting to get my website: http://www.buy-your-dream-home.com listed where it belongs.
i have had buy-your-dream-home.com for well over 4 years now.....if it appears unlistable, than please brief me on the reasons why it wouldnt be.....my team has already located about 30 other sites within your real estate directory that is very similar to ours...only difference is these other sites are clearly aimed at affiliates or to sell leads to REALTORS and brokers....we ARE THE REALTOR/BROKER and we maintain that only REALTOR/BROKER sites should ever be allowable in the dmoz directory for Real Estate Agents. We are legally licensed in the state of PA



i was unable to locate chesapeakestreet.com in your directory.....as mentioned before, that site was in operation when my team was part of howard hanna....it no longer is...but, if you are telling me that chesapeakestreet.com is currently in the dmoz directory, we will simply retool that site and the new submission can be ignored. I will eagerly await a response :)

  • Meta

Actually, it's one of the other ones that is listed. If an editor can go to the listed URL and verify that the proper current URL would be something different (which isn't true yet), then you could put in an "Update URL" suggestion.


Obviously, given any choice at all, WE'LL skip the keyword-stuffed domain and go straight for the domain name that looks like the real company name. If there are too many different company names floating around, we're likely to do the same thing any intelligent surfer would: that is, figure the whole thing is a scam (and therefore not list any of them.)


Several but not all of those URL's have been submiited and rejected. I believe there were other URL's that were also submitted. At this point you have built such a tangled web of many URL's to check, I got tired of looking.


The good news is that I don't edit any of the affected categories - so I don't have to deal with the issue.


Personally I find your whole setup very questionable - since despite your denial of relationship to Howard Hanna - I presume you removed that from your site in the the very recent past - since Google gives me


The Creative Edge Realty & Technology Team of Howard Hanna are proud to present the following featured properties for your viewing pleasure....this slide show ...


The bad news is that you will have to convince someone else that you are no longer related to the single listed site, and since there is a bad and messy history - you will have to work hard at it.


OK, at this point, based on the conversation and discoveries to date, trust is a major hurdle for you to overcome.


I think the only way you can earn back some of our trust is through absolute, full disclosure.


Please give us a list of every domain you are associated with, and we will investigate. It will take a bit of time, but we will determine what the appropriate course of action is with regards to your collection of domains.


I can't think of any better way for this to be clarified.

  • Meta
As to lead generation sites, I quite agree with you that they shouldn't be listed. Hie thee over to our "Abuse" forum, and post the category and the site title. We'll check them out -- and if you're right, we'll toss them out.
  • Meta
As to the Hanna-Barbara hall of mirrors phenomenon, it really doesn't matter whether you submit all of them or not. Just their presence on the internet gives your whole enterprise a layer of sleaze that you can't talk your way out of. And remember, we don't just look at submitted sites; we don't just look at listed sites when we're checking unique content; and ... your competitor could even submit your doorways to -- well, not to make you look bad, but to bring to our attention how bad you'd already made yourself look. (The latter is exceedingly rare; I do not suspect it in this case. And, in any case, it's not that submittals make you look bad. MIRRORS make you look bad. And there you are the culpable party.
you know i really do not appreciate the tone and holier than thou attitude that many are exhibiting to me. I still stick by my claim that i have NEVER EVER EVER had any of my sites listed in your directory PERIOD... and i really do not appreciate the tone that some of you are exhibiting to me....I am a REAL REALTOR not someone looking to grow riches from affiliate linking and such and i resent that characterization...I have an actual license with PA and I am a member of the REALTOR board. I simply came in here to merely ask what my submission status is and I receive all of this nasty chatter :( My site does not violate any of the suggested terms of dmoz and I once again maintain that NONE of my sites are listed in DMOZ and never have been to the best of my knowledge. I believe some of you are jumping on me because you probably have alot of people on these boards trying to scam or spam the search engine results. This is not me and I resent such implications - further I would mind my libelous remarks about ones character in the future, as many of you probably understand and know, there is NO annonymity on the internet and some of you making comments like this to me as representatives of dmoz.org/netscape can and will place you on dangerous/contentious grounds. I do not hide behind smoke and mirrors as many of you seem to enjoy. You may call me directly at the phone numbers posted on my website and if you wish you can speak to me directly at my home office. I am very upset and wish to speak to the managers of dmoz.org, please direct me.



Let me try to make an attempt to sort this out....


We are very strict in how Real Estate businesses are listed. It doesn't matter how many sites you have - that is your business, and how surfers react to the fact that you have that many is up to them, not to us. The ODP will list at most one of them. Your business appears to already have a site listed. The most we will consider doing is to change that listing to another URL.


To us, not knowing you, it looks like you are attempting to get multiple listings for the same business by submitting multiple sites. This is a big no-no for us, and turns editors very very cautious.


The best way for you cause editors to have more ease-of-mind in listing your site would be if you were to provide us here with a complete list of domains and sites which your business owns.


In terms of the "managers of dmoz", from an editing perspective they are all part of the volunteer editing force. If you believe that there has been editor abuse, you are welcome to file an abuse complaint overs at dmoz.org


This forum, however, is not an official part of the ODP - it is a forum run by a small group of volunteer editors.


If you wish to escalate into legal action, then you will need to contact the legal staff at AOL, the owners of the directory. once you do this, the volunteer editors will not be allowed to have any further contact with you until the legal side of the issue has been resolved.


I hope this explains your options from this point on.

please tell me where you feel i have been deceitful? you seem to be obviously misled in your belief that i am some sort of odp spamming monster - you are very very wrong if that is your perception - I will ask that you no longer use character assassinations (calling me sleazy) in posts in which you converse with me, because that WILL definitely land you in hot water with me. I have been nothing but nice to you folks and i ask that same courtesy is returned.
  • Meta

Let´s see.

You have been suggesting multiple related sites to dmoz.

On your sites you are trying to hide that these site are related.

You refuse to give us a complete list of all your sites.

That, combined with our very bad experiences with people in the same business as you, makes us very suspicious.

It is all about trust. And I don´t believe most editors do have this trust in you at this moment.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


<We are very strict in how Real Estate businesses are listed. It doesn't matter how many sites you have - that is your business, and how surfers react to the fact that you have that many is up to them, not to us. The ODP will list at most one of them. Your business appears to already have a site listed. The most we will consider doing is to change that listing to another URL.>


First off, I thank you for soo succinctly explaining this and i think where the confusion lies is that I do not know any of my sites to be listed in the odp and i can guarantee you that i have not attempted to circumvent the rules listed for the ODP and if some are confused by this i do apologize because it is not on purpose. The absolute last time that i have ever attempted to submit my site to you folks was http://www.buy-your-dream-home.com and this submission was only because i did not know that another of my sites are already listed according to many of you. I did try to use the dmoz tools to figure out which one of my sites have been listed, and was unable to locate my site.


<To us, not knowing you, it looks like you are attempting to get multiple listings for the same business by submitting multiple sites. This is a big no-no for us, and turns editors very very cautious.>


Please tell me where and when i have attempted to submit many of my sites to the odp, because i am completely unaware and request IP logging information on that individual, so that my group can aggressively pursue this individual for fraud.


<The best way for you cause editors to have more ease-of-mind in listing your site would be if you were to provide us here with a complete list of domains and sites which your business owns.>


My business owns many many websites, and as you indicated earlier in your own statement, this would not be prudent business practice for us to share this proprietary knowledge to anyone, let alone, an editor that could be in a competing marketplace with us. I hope you understand that. You can easily view some of the domains that we own on the bottom of our webpage and if that is a problem with having undeveloped websites being referenced on a site that we are attempting to have listed in the odp, i would have no problems at all removing those offending links and simply include them on sites that are not being submitted to the odp.


<In terms of the "managers of dmoz", from an editing perspective they are all part of the volunteer editing force. If you believe that there has been editor abuse, you are welcome to file an abuse complaint overs at dmoz.org>


I have already done so, simply because of the belligerent comments that *hutchenson* has made about my character.


<This forum, however, is not an official part of the ODP - it is a forum run by a small group of volunteer editors.>


That reason alone is not enough to condone some of the comments that some of your editors have made to members of this forum.


<If you wish to escalate into legal action, then you will need to contact the legal staff at AOL, the owners of the directory. once you do this, the volunteer editors will not be allowed to have any further contact with you until the legal side of the issue has been resolved.>


I do not have issue with the odp, my issue is simply with some comments made regarding my character on this forum. I do not wish to seek legal recourse at this time, because, i am going to consider it an isolated incident.


On another hand, though, I have spoken to several members of the committees that i chair with the NAR and WPMLS and they have concerns with the members that might be *editing* the real estate sections of the open directory. It is a requirement of federal law that such person must be licensed in real estate/brokerage or an attorney focused on real estate law. Further, if the term REALTOR is being utilized to describe any of the directories or subdirectories of the ODP, than that usage MUST be approved by Mike Thiel of the National Association of REALTORS trademark division. Lastly, these editors of the "real estate directory" would be required to provide full disclosure of their license information (whether broker or agent) or the id# information from their local BAR (if attorney)....


as i am sure that i have been hot marked on your radar for what really probably is a simple misunderstanding, you can be sure that we will be equally monitoring the ODP directory situation as well when it comes to any reference to *real estate* or *REALTORS*....


I would simply like a very simple resolution to this whole situation and that would be to let me know which of my sites are listed in the odp, and i can simply *update* that url to reflect our current situation. If there are others that have been submitted by mistake, you have my full apology, because, i can guarantee you that I am not a person that seeks to circumvent your rules. Our team is constantly battling search engine spammers and the likes who actively set up shop and take business away from brokers and agents alike. We do not approve of affiliates using search engines to further their business at the expense of our good name and have actively removed over 124 sites from the yahoo directory, 84 sites from msn, and 32 from google (which tends to show that you folks are generally doing a better job).


There is one site in particular that we found in dmoz that we have asked to be deleted from the ODP:




these folks are clearly spamming search engines and have received notice from our legal department for abuse in using our trademarks for the following site:




they are also being investigated by: Remax, Century 21, Prudential, Coldwell Banker, and Realty One for violating their trademark and brand name usage (deceptive advertising)


Thanks again for your clarifying remarks :)


<Let´s see.

You have been suggesting multiple related sites to dmoz.>


I have NOT! please provide me with evidence of these multiple submissions - You cannot, because I DIDNT!


<On your sites you are trying to hide that these site are related.>


In what way, because they are at the very bottom of my page? As i stated before, those sites are currently being developed and NONE OF THEM have been submitted to DMOZ.


<You refuse to give us a complete list of all your sites.>


As stated several times in this very thread, i do not know the editor that would be reviewing my site, for all i know they may be from a rival broker or in my competing market and that would be simply a very poor business decision, if you would like, i would offer to speak to that person (editor) on the phone and after i have been able to rule out the above (that they are from a competing broker), i would be more than happy to share my list with them.


<That, combined with our very bad experiences with people in the same business as you, makes us very suspicious.

It is all about trust. And I don´t believe most editors do have this trust in you at this moment.>


Nothing personal here, but, i subscribe to the REALTORS code of ethics which is one of the most stringent professional business codes that exists. People trust me everyday with MILLIONS of dollars of their personal property to sell or to purchase that once in a lifetime dream home. Listen, i am not trying to argue semantics here, if you don't want me in your directory, fine, there is nothing i can do about it. But, i won't tell you how much it severely irritates myself and hundreds of thousands of REALTORS and BROKERS alike nationally that for every agent or broker that you turn down, there are 20 REFERRAL farms that somehow sneek in - that is simply unjust......but, as i am sure you folks are busy, i am as well....

  • Meta

Thanks for mentioning ecommerceand.com.


OK, our standards are not yours. We don't enforce trademarks, there are federal marshals that take care of that. We don't even enforce anti-search-engine spam techniques (if we did, we wouldn't list any of your mirrors, since we consider that spamming). And I freely grant you, it's mind-numbingly ugly design. But -- all of those things are about DESIGN and OPTIMIZATION of the website....and it's OK with us if they are really poorly done, or even vilely done.


But, but ... what is fatal is that it doesn't have information about whoever owns it -- and in a business category, information about the business is, um, necessary. For all the other reasons, I may personally rejoice to see it go, but that last reason is the only one that I may use ODP editing privileges to help it along its way.


Anyway, thanks again.


The extended explanation is because ... surfers have a very different view of the world than SERP perps. Some fast-talking dark-black-hat fly-by-night SEO professional may have (I believe, HAS) given you bad advice -- it happens to a LOT of people. That advice may well hurt you with the search engines (who are getting good at spotting duplicate content!), and it probably will make you look bad to surfers (the intelligent ones expect to know who's benefiting financially from the advice given out, and keeping your websites secret isn't the way to inspire SURFER trust) But ... that won't directly, automatically keep you from being listed in the ODP. It may INDIRECTLY affect you. When we see the multiple mirrors with different company names, we HAVE to get suspicious really fast. And if our suspicions can't get resolved (based on the websites) -- then that causes problems with the ODP listings.

It is a requirement of federal law that such person must be licensed in real estate/brokerage or an attorney focused on real estate law.


I'd love to see the cite on that one.


Nothing personal here, but, i subscribe to the REALTORS code of ethics which is one of the most stringent professional business codes that exists.


That may well be, but, it might be worthwhile for you to understand that we had to institue very strict, almost inflexible, rules for dealing with real estate agents because of widespread deceit and unethical submittals with regards to our directory. So your industry, in terms of this directory, has an exceptionally poor reputation insofar as eithics go.


Further, if the term REALTOR is being utilized to describe any of the directories or subdirectories of the ODP, than that usage MUST be approved by Mike Thiel of the National Association of REALTORS trademark division.


That is also a highly interesting interpretation of trademark law.

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