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Please let me know the status of http://www.ashtongreen.com. I submitted it to http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Kitchen_and_Dining/ just over a month ago.


I'm afraid that despite reading FAQ's, etc. I didn't grasp the size of the job the editors face (or the possibility of spam sites -- call me naive), so rather than checking for the listing a few times a week, if you could just provide me with an estimate of the current backlog / evaluation time, I'll go away until then.




Thanks for your feedback and suggestion. Although the regional listing would be accurate in fact, the company's primary business is serving North American clients through the Web site, catalogs, and toll-free number.


It's my feeling that if they elected to maintain more than a showroom bricks-and-mortar presence, then that presence would be in a larger region than the one you identified. Thus creating a regional listing at this point runs the risk of having it become innacurate for a quite some time while a category-change update request is completed. Even though I am anxious to see the listing processed, given the choice between having them listed more quickly but less accurately or waiting for an accurate entry, I prefer waiting for accuracy. That seems to be the ultimate point of dmoz.org, and I don't think subverting that is in anyone's best long term interests.

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A regional listing would not replace a Topical listing. If a Topical listing were appropriate, the regional listing would be in addition. (Conversely, if a Regional listing were appropriate, a topical listing would be considered as the "in addition.") Because the criteria are so different, they are considered completely independently.
not the potential or desired market area

That aspect is covered by the original Shopping branch suggestion. ;)


Dang. just when I think I'm starting to understand all of this, I get confused again.


If I take http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/New_York/ as an example, the subcategories are Counties, Localities, Metro Areas, and Regions. If the intent is to identify the location of a business, isn't there a lot of redundancy? A business can claim to be located in all four of those sub-categories, but four listings clearly isn't appropriate.


Maybe another question will help. If a company is headquartered in Boston but has most of its operations in Palo Alto, where would it list in the regional branch?




The most precise location for the physical location of a business if it has one location. In other workds work down the geography from Country->States->Metro area->City etc.


If a company has multiple physical locations, then it varies depending on circumstances. For example:


A company in Montauk goes only in Montauk- NY


A company with a store in Montauk and Bellerose goes only in New York: Regions: Long Island: Localities


A company with locations in Montauk and Bellerose and New Lebanon would probably go in New York: Metro Areas: New York City Metro


If it had other locations in NY state in might go in North America: United States: New York


But if a company had locations in only two states - it would probably get two listings - one for each state, and not a North America: United States listing


Likewise if it had two locations in two cities in NY state that are not in the same general region, an editor might decide that two city listings is better than one Metro listing.

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