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Status request for http://www.nikhilkhade.com

Recommended Posts

Guest nikhilkhade

Some of the primary links that have been submitted are as follows:


Category: Society/People/Women/

URL: http://www.nikhilkhade.com/women/


Category: Society/Sexuality/Advice/

URL: http://www.nikhilkhade.com/women/sex/


Category: Society/Relationships/Dating/Advice/

URL: http://www.nikhilkhade.com/men/dating/tips/


Category: Society/Relationships/Flirting/

URL: http://www.nikhilkhade.com/men/attract/


Category: Arts/Photography/Techniques_and_Styles/

URL: http://www.nikhilkhade.com/articles/photography/

(This URL has been already listed)


Hope that helps.

I've not looked at your site, but it is extremely rare for deep-links to be listed in any category. Please do not submit each page of your site to every category that seems suitable. Pick one category that your entire site best fits in, and submit the base URL there.
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