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Status: www.kristystarling.com

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Guest GregStarling

Hey all, I have a question about a site that I submitted. My sister-in-law's first CD is being released by Warner Brothers on April 22nd, and I was hoping that her site would be in the directory before then. I thought I submitted the site awhile ago, but not sure of the exact day. I believe I submitted it to the following Link .


Any status on it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks again,

Greg Starling

It's in the queue for that category along with more than a dozen other sites. You only submitted it in early April (once as an editor and then a couple of days later as a regular submitter). It's much too early to be asking about the status of it (we ask submitters not to ask about their site until at least a month has gone by since submittal). It's entirely possible (but not likely) that someone might go through the category before April 22 but it isn't going to be as a result of this thread (that would be very naughty of you to ask for, esp. as an editor).
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