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Guest ejewelrystores

Hello. I think this site was submitted over a month ago, maybe longer. Is there any way to know when this will be included? Was it rejected for some reason?


Please let me know, thank you kindly.


For us to check we *really* need to know what category you submitted to. preferably as a clickable link.


Depending on where you submitted it may take between a day and over a year to be listed - I'm guessing shopping somewhere which is one of those that can take a long time.


You are unlikely to be advised if your site has been accepted or rejected, except by using this forum.


We ask that you not enquire until a month from submission/last response.


It looks like your site triggered our spam filters (don't worry, lots of things trip it) and you site is being moved to the correct category.


Please feel free to come back after a month and enquire again using this thread (don't start a new one).


Sorry I don't have any better news for you.

<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Guest ejewelrystores

Hello and thank you for your quick reply.


The site is basically a directory of jewelry stores online organized by region and theme, so I thought it was most apropriate to be in the directories/guides category for jewelry:



Thank you very much.

Guest ejewelrystores

Also, while someone is adding my site, can you please remove the following sites:









All these sites are individual jewelry stores or redirects, that should be either removed, or placed in other shopping related categories right? I thought this was for jewelry GUIDES or DIRECTORIES?


Thank you <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Someone is unlikely to be adding your store anytime soon (posting here in this forum is not a fast track to getting listed -- an editor will review your site when they get around to it) but I'm sure someone will take a look at the sites you mention here.
  • 2 months later...

Hi, This isn't a store, it's a directory of jewelry websites I've created, that I was hoping would be eligible for the http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Directories/ category. Note, this category is for directores about jewelry, thats' why I thought it would be nice to have the other sites removed from there since they SELL jewelry and are not directories at all.


Is ejewelrystores.com still in the queue for this category?



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Your site is still pending review, the category is backed up and I would suggest waiting at least 2 or 3 months before requesting a status again as it is unlikely to change.
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