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It's currently pending with a handful of other sites.


If you like you can check back using *this thread* no sooner than 30 days <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Curlie: Been trying to give up the editing addiction since day 1. :moz:

Thank you mcoupal!


I'll check again in a month or so, be assured <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Have a great weekend and a perfect Easter (if it's the case <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />)


I really appreciate your responsiveness. If I can help with anything, I'll be glad to.


All the best,



Real Estate Web Site Design

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for your quick answer.

Any ideas about how much time it will take till our site will be included in that category?


Best wishes,


Sorry, it's not possible to say how long it will take.
  • 2 months later...



More than three month has passes since my last post here, when I was told that my site has moved to other category.


I've chaced the category but my site (netreal.net ) is not listed. And news?


Shall I submit it again?

How much time it will take till it will be listed?


Thank you very much.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...


Any news regarding our submision (almost one year old now)?

Also can you tell me if I can do anything to speed up the process?




Thank you a lot


Your site is still awaiting review.


Sorry, there is nothing you can to to speed up the review of your site. Site suggestions are reviewed just as soon as a volunteer editor has the time and motivation to do so.

  • 1 month later...

One year and still nothing?




I would like to know if there are any news regarding the subsion of our site: netreal.net.


It more than one year since we've submited and still nothing.


I really respect you DMOZ guys but I think the process is way to slow. I mean the speed of the process doesn't help at at all in offering high-quality websites. It means that all the new resources appeared in the last year are not showed to the public. :mad:


Thank you.

I mean the speed of the process doesn't help at at all in offering high-quality websites. It means that all the new resources appeared in the last year are not showed to the public.


No disrespect, but did you ever stop to think that if you had submitted to the correct category it might have been reviewed the first time an editor looked at it, almost exactly one year ago?


And the duplicate submission we found six months ago that you made might have taken enough editor time that the editor ran out of time to get to your site the last time they were working in that category.


You are also mistaken in thinking that the review process is somehow linear. Many new sites, some created within the last month are in our directory. You have the misfortune of submitting to an industry category where your colleagues believe that bulk submissions, mirrors, redirects and other forms of directory abuse are perfectly acceptable, so the legitimate site owners suffer.


Changes inour processes notwithstanding, we are unable to do anything to correct human nature and the desire to trample all others in an effort to get to the head of the line at all costs -- which is why we have a million plus sites awaiting review.


Your site still awaits review, which is the imformation you came for.


As a point of reference (for whatever it is worth -- if anything at all) site reviews can happen very quickly, or can take more than two years in spammy categories such as Computers.


Your premise is a little flawed, I'm afraid. It most certainly doesn't take over a year to review every website, and you assume that all web sites which get added to the directory are found from submissions - both of these are most definitely not the case.


For many editors, they get none of the sites they add from submissions, but instead find them through other sources. They have found that, in their experience, it's a much more reliable way of finding quality sites.


Also, review times depend a lot on the energies of the editors - since this is a volunteer organization that kind of goes with the territory.


Probably not what you wanted to hear, but this is the ODP way and you will see that this is not specific to you - but typical of how the ODP works, as evidenced in other posts on this board.


Hi Alucard,


Thank you for your explanations. I have however one more question:


Do you consider that the ODP way" can't be improved?


I mend it's pretty easy to say that ODP is a volunteer project and since nobody pays anything there are no contractual obligations, but I don't think this approach is the most efficient.


I really appreciate you guys, but I find that waiting more than one year it's a a little frustrated.


Please forgive me if I might sound too resentful.


Thank you,

Catalin :rolleyes:

but I don't think this approach is the most efficient. I really appreciate you guys, but I find that waiting more than one year it's a a little frustrated. Please forgive me if I might sound too resentful.


That's OK, we feel the same way about the spammers, the mis-submitters, the abusers, the liars and the marketdroids who make our life miserable.


Think about this for a second: if we totally closed off submissions, it would not slow our ability to build the directory by one iota, thre would be no more frustration from submitters, and since we would be spam free and abuse free, we would probably be able to list more sites in less time.


A compelling argument. No?

  • 6 months later...

Any news about netreal.net?


Hello ,


I've submitted netreal.net for dmoz review and inclusion (Computers > Internet > Web Design and Development > Designers > Real Estate) in April 2002.


I understand it take some time and I truly respect your voluntary work.

However please let me know if I can do anything for the inclusion.



Thank you a lot and have a great day,





Hello! Any news?


In my previous post I meant "I've submitted netreal.net for dmoz review and inclusion (Computers > Internet > Web Design and Development > Designers > Real Estate) in April 2003" (not April 2002)


Thank you



Status of www.NetReal.net


Hello ,


I've submitted netreal.net for dmoz review and inclusion (Computers > Internet > Web Design and Development > Designers > Real Estate) in April 2003.


Any news ?


Thank you a lot and have a great day,


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