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Hello friends.

Our website http://www.templatemonster.com has very old and outdated description. It says that it is a division of another company. We've submited about 20 requests during this year about editing the description, I've even personally emailed to the editor of the section. Nothing has been changed at all.

We didn't get any reply. I'm watching the Web templates section regularly and can say that the editor of "Computers: Graphics: Web: Templates" section doesn't work. He needs to be replaced with the new one.


Mods please take the appropriate actions. And please suggest how to change the description of our listing.

  • Meta

A lot of misunderstandings. I think our FAQ can help you understand how ODP works.


And while you a reading the faq. Please stop suggesting all the deeplinks, affiliates and mirrors.


If you want to suggest a change you can only do so in the proper way , the "update listing" at the top of the category.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Well I did that at least 5 times this year. And never got any reply back. And I didn't understand your words about "deeplinks, affiliates and mirrors." All I tried to do is to change the information to the CORRECT and USEFUl for the visitors.


If the descriptions says false information about the ownership of project I don't think it's an appropriate way to provide the visitors relevant information to their needs.

  • Editall/Catmv
If "you"'re not a division of Inverse Logic, you should complain to them. They say you are.
Guest gimmster
I didn't understand your words about "deeplinks, affiliates and mirrors."
As one of the larger affiliate companies I'm amazed you don't understand that.


The description was right when it was written - in your staffs own words, http://www.hostsearch.com/interview/templatemonster_interview.asp , "TemplateMonster started as a subdivision of Inverse-Logic, Inc "

What I couldn't find anywhere was information about that subdivision being sold or bought out.


If you want a factual error corrected then use the 'update' feature, don't try to change the rest of the Title/Description at the same time - the keyword loaded requests (and I have never seen any of your requests, I speak from experience or the ones I have done), get whacked for trying to add keywords, title repeats, moves to incorrect categories, etc., and any factual corrections may get 'tossed out with the bathwater' so to speak. If you want to change several things, do the factual error as a seperate update, and say why it is a factual error in the reason field. Don't try to change anything else at the same time.


However, make sure the 'facts' can be verified.





Look at copyright message in the bottom, and in About us section. TM belongs to Artvertex, Inc for 2 years already. But anyway thanks for the info. I caught your point. Will try to use the update feature and if it won't help I'll let you know.


Thanks again for the assistance.


P.S. I understand what affiliates are, since I've created probably one of the largest affiliate network in the web, just was wondering how it was related to my question :)


A trace back indicates a large number of "associated" template sites owned by the same company have been submiited to ODP, and refused by editors. There is a clear record of abuse by submiiting "mirror" sites.


From what I can figure out - based on the version of English being used in the posts from the owner - here and in other forums - the holding company behind all this is either Russian or Ukranian.

Your site says ArtVertex, Inc. in the About and Copyright © 2002-2005 Callaway Alliance, Inc. on the bottom of the pages.

Well I don't know anything about so called associated websites. If you take a closer look to our affiliate program you will understand that it allows everyone to create its private brand template shop owned by yourself.


So we can't control what website owners do with their websites (can't trace their submissions to ODP etc.).


As for Artvertex and Callaway there are 2 different companies owned by the same group of investors. So please leave that up to themselves.


The initial question was regarding the wrong description for the site. I would leave it as is but since Google is using it in it's snippets :


we get several complaints a day from the customers. I just submitted the "Update listing" reguest, mods please approve it and close this thread.

I just submitted the "Update listing" reguest, mods please approve it and close this thread.


It will get reviewed, by an editor, at an appropriate (for us) time.


We do not go off and do things in the directory simply because someone in this forum tells us to do so.

Well I don't know anything about so called associated websites. If you take a closer look to our affiliate program you will understand that it allows everyone to create its private brand template shop owned by yourself.


So we can't control what website owners do with their websites (can't trace their submissions to ODP etc.).


No, you cannot control what others do, but you most certainly could make it part of the terms and conditions of their affiliation that they not submit any such website to DMOZ.


But that is not in your self interest, so I suspect it will never happen.

No, you cannot control what others do, but you most certainly could make it part of the terms and conditions of their affiliation that they not submit any such website to DMOZ.


But that is not in your self interest, so I suspect it will never happen.


Actually, you are wrong. I would do that with pleasure. As we restrict using black SEO tactics to promote affiliate websites. But you know, there are some affiliate websites which just insert template sections on their site (i.e. http://dotster.com/design/index.php), some of them are very large and serious - we can't tell them what to do.


The problem is that every second SEO tutorial or manual says "submit your site to ODP" :o

I guess that brings most problems with submissions.

Another note, we've never received any suggestions from ODP about this issue so we didn't know it before I post here. We can't restrict the submission but can recommend afiliates not to submit websites, which are based only on affiliate shop scripts - I'm gonna manage this tomorrow.

Will post here the result to demonstrate our respect to ODP and its stuff.


Thank you. That would be very considerate of you.


As for Artvertex and Callaway there are 2 different companies owned by the same group of investors. So please leave that up to themselves.
The reason he mentioned that is because you told us to "Look at copyright message in the bottom, and in About us section." and, unfortunately, your copyright message and About page don't agree with one another. Makes it hard for us to make any kind of determination.
I can verify that TemplateMonster is still a division of Inverse Logic, Inc. and/or that Artvertex, Inc. is also a division of Inverse Logic, Inc. and see no reason to change the description. A meta wrote the description as it is currently and a meta will have to change it if they deem it appropriate.

To Motsa, Spectregunner, Bobrat and other admins.


As I promised yesterday we have implemented the suggestion for our affiliates to not to submit their websites to ODP if they are based on the ready-made template shops' scripts. You can check it here:



We have also placed this information with our affiliate forum.


To Old_crone

I can verify that TemplateMonster is still a division of Inverse Logic, Inc. and/or that Artvertex, Inc. is also a division of Inverse Logic, Inc. and see no reason to change the description. A meta wrote the description as it is currently and a meta will have to change it if they deem it appropriate.


Which Meta are you talking about? The Meta description tag at TM says:

<meta name="description" content="Template Monster offers professional web templates, flash templates and other web design products available for immediate download."> That is the first point.


The second point is.

I just reviewed DMOZ Editing Style Guidelines and it says:


“Good descriptions are concise, informative, and objective, telling end-users what they will find when they visit a web site”.


Now let us see what our description says:

“A division of Inverse Logic, Inc. offering HTML templates, Flash, and logos for purchase”

If you take a look at other template sites in the section – any has information about the company, which owns the project.

The description also says that we offer Flash for purchase – this is FALSE. We sell flash templates, but we do not sell Flash (Macromedia Flash program).

It also says that we offer HTML templates, which also is not correct because we sell web templates. Html is just a part of the package.


That’s why I propose to update the description to:

“Offering web templates, flash templates and logos for purchase”. This is a short and objective description about the site and its services.




During these 2 days I’ve read more than ever about ODP and how the editing system works and I think I should bring apologizes to all the editors and meta admins and especially to Old_crone for saying that they don’t work. I guess that wrong impression comes from getting no replies to written requests, which creates “nobody works” feeling.

  • Meta
Which Meta are you talking about? The Meta description tag at TM says:

<meta name="description" content="Template Monster offers professional web templates, flash templates and other web design products available for immediate download.">


She's talking about the dmoz senior editor permission level 'meta' - not about meta tags :-)




  • Editall
There is a discussion in http://www.webhostingtalk.com/ from December that mentions Inverse Logic, Inc. and artvertex inc. and discussed some of the confusion around what company this really is.


There was a rather interesting thread over there this past month over copyrighted graphics appearing in some templates too.

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.


To Motsa


The description also says that we offer Flash for purchase – this is FALSE. We sell flash templates, but we do not sell Flash (Macromedia Flash program).

It also says that we offer HTML templates, which also is not correct because we sell web templates. Html is just a part of the package.


This thread started at June,4. Any comments on the words above? We don't sell Macromedia Flash as well as we don't sell HTML templates as I said. I guess at least this should be corrected. The category has "Web templates" name - and we sell web templates.

  • Meta

I can see the description has been changed. Don't know if this everything you wanted. It can take several days before the public servers will show the change. The public server I am seeing has already been changed "A division of Inverse Logic, Inc. offering HTML and Flash web site templates and logos for purchase."


btw the thread started on June 1, 2005, 12:38 PM

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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