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I have no clue where to submit this site to, HELP!

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Guest jansass_com

The site is:


Adde Enterprises, Inc.



They started as one site (dyjewels.com) and now have incorporated this company with divisions and different companies. So the site above is more or less there portal.


They have offices in Toronto, ON (Canada)... New York, NY... Las Vegas, NV and now Los Angeles, CA for their various companies. So I have no idea what regional cat I would submit it too, or for that matter what shopping category site??


They sell mostly jewelry related products but our branching out into wedding accessories/supplies and electronics, all owned by this one corporation. So where does this portal site go???


Thanks <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Your sites would not qualify for a Regional listing. They really have no regional focus, and don't even have addresses listed, though I do realize that you are actually in Mississauga and not Toronto where you have been submitting your sites.


As you are probably aware from when you were an editor, dyjewels.com is listed in the appropriate category in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Varied_Merchandise/D/

Guest jansass_com

Hello, I appreciate your response. Regarding dyjewels.com and the new category it's in, I was very surprised it was moved initially, but now that I see what you guys have done it makes sense since that cat was so crowded and a big mess. But my description was chopped??? So anyways, I created a new thread for that since it's really another issue. I have to admit, I regret being banished from the ODP .. I was only "in power" for a few weeks really and had no clue back then. Maybe some of you recognize my alias from webmasterworld <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I've since learned the error of my ways and I'm a good boy <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> But that's another topic too...



What I would really like is to focus on a category for this site (adde-inc.com) and I would appreciate any advice on where it should be listed. Any general portal categories for corporoations?? I think of it like Samsung or Yamaha or something... different divisions selling different products, but one corporation, which is the same structure we're taking with Adde Enterprises, Inc. Of course, it's a private company and not publically traded.


I just don't know where to put it.... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Guest jansass_com

Anyone, Please? Just tell me where to submit this site.


Thank you!


Let me make sure that I understand what you are saying, here... the site that is currently listed, dyjewels.com is a subsidiary of the company which is at the web site adde-inc.com which you would like listed. The other subsidiaries include goldimporter.com and addecorp.com


Is this correct? If so, this should be very easy to get you an answer.

Guest jansass_com

Yes, that is correct. The new corporation is branching off into seperate, unique companies all with unique content.


Now I suppose this is where you tell me adde-inc.com belongs no where, right? <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Surely it must belong somewhere. It is the "headquarters" for all the divisions and there will eventually be more info on the divisions, pictures of the corporation head office, etc... etc... like the portal for all the various web properties it possesses, like Altria - they don't sell anything, but are the corporation for Philip Morris, Kraft foods, etc.

Guest jansass_com

Should it be submitted to the regional category for the state in which the corporation is incorporated maybe? It is incorporated in Nevada.


Thank you.

Guest jansass_com

Well I guess since no one answered, I submitted it to:



Desc: Corporation of various retail and wholesale subsidiaries including jewelry, precious metal and giftware related sites. Offices located across the US.


I really hope that was the most appropriate category and description.


If not, please tell me what cat would be most appropriate.


Thank you.


I don't see any new submission in that category, and I wouldn't recommend submitting it there either. As I mentioned earlier, this site will not get a listing in Regional, and probably not anywhere in the ODP.


Just because a web site exists does not qualify it for a listing. The promise of future content is also not a qualification for a listing.


Basically this site has no content and no Regional focus. It's one page with some links to your other businesses, one of which is listed appropriately.


I think you need to take a look at the Guidelines again, and in particular sections of the Regional Guidelines so you can understand what belongs in Regional and where things go.

  • Editall/Catmv

If you wanted to qualify for a Regional listing, you need to add content that discusses your regional presence. Do you have manufacturing facilities? Where are they? Describe them and show photos. How many employees do you have? Describe the custom ordering, design and manufacturing process. If you have sales offices, who is the staff? How about photos, biographies and qualifications for them? Provide addresses, phone and fax for them (you do want business, right?) This is the type of stuff that indicates a Regional presence and would be good content for a corporate website.


Develop content about the corporation, then have a page describing the subsidiaries with links to them. As it stands though, I wouldn't list the site you asked about.


<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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