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Blinds.com...for the record


Thank you for listening.

The responses to my post are appreciated.


Regarding the notion of “full disclosure” , aablinds.com is a domain name we bought maybe 4 or 5 years ago, as it had been abandoned by apparently some other blinds retailer. It used to have some natural rankings for some keywords, so a $20 price for a few visitors seemed worth it. This is a strategy used by most of the top Web retailers.


It seems to be beside the point though, because aablinds.com is not a stand-alone Web site, and I have no interest in having it listed in the ODP or any other directory.

I seriously doubt we ever tried (maybe the original owner tried?).


In any case, my company does own other domains in a similar vein and we have no interest in listing them.


Now here’s the part I don’t understand.

Even if the Web sites are stand-alones, I see no reason why legitimate Web sites, even if owned by the same company and in the same line of business, can’t all be listed.


Here’s just a couple of examples to make the point:

DMOZ now lists thegap.com, bananarepublic.com, and oldnavy.com – all owned by Gap, Inc. and they all sell clothes.


These travel sites:Expedia, Hotwire, and Tripadvisor are all owned by iac.com and are all listed by DMOZ.


As an immediate measure, I thought I would go through your established protocol for “Updating Your Site” at http://dmoz.com/add.html to amend our URL from BlindsWholesale.com to Blinds.com. I hope you think that’s reasonable.



  • Meta

Yes, "Update URL" is reasonable. The editor will check the OLD URL to make sure the new one is really correct, so make sure that site hints that the other one is the real (new) home page.


And yeah, we've seen the problem of site/company consolidation before. We listed ccnow.com and cdnow.com before the latter bought the former. The travel-doorway industry has consolidated since we listed those sites; it may be time to revisit them.

  • Meta

>Even if the Web sites are stand-alones, I see no reason why legitimate Web sites, even if owned by the same company and in the same line of business, can’t all be listed.


The point isn't whether YOU see a reason NOT to list them, it's whether WE see a reason TO list them. And we definitely don't.


They can, and they should be listed -- on the home page of the company's site.


But -- if the company won't even list them, why should WE list them?


And if the company DOES list them, then ... surfers can get there from the page we do list, so ... it's no benefit to them for us to list the other subsites individually, so ... why should we list them?


It all boils down to the same thing. There is no reason to list them.


But there's a very good reason NOT to list them. We do make decisions based on the absolute necessity of giving editors moral support against spammers. And this is one of the most fundamental of those decisions -- not only do we not list multiple "related" sites, we have the right to apply the most serious of all ODP penalties against anyone who submits them. And, speaking from bitter experience in the trenches, we absolutely do need that protection. And that's far more than reason enough.


An extra word of explanation (if it is needed).


We treat a collection of related pages, folders, subdomains, and domains as comprising "one site". That "one site" gets "one listing".


Some people try to hide their content over multiple domains. The more you spread it, the more it looks like spam to us.


If you submit "one URL" then that might be listed.


If you submit more than "one URL" then we exercise the right to use the "or less" option from the relevant .... "a site may be eligible for one listing, or less, in the ODP" ... part of the editing guidelines.


Submitting, per the protocal?


OK, thanks for all the clarifications.


In order to abide by what we believe are the ODP guidelines, we have taken our old URL (from BlindsWholesale) and have made a clear notation under the masthead that it is "A Blinds.com Company". Then we used the "Update URL" procedure to replace BlindsWholesale with our new URL, Blinds.com.


By writing here we are NOT asking for preferential treatment - nor asking for your approval of the steps we've taken. Only to write that I believe we are following the established procedure, and to let ODP know that if not, then it is unintentional.


Thanks again.


  • Meta
Yes, all we need is some sort of confirmation on the ground. And that is ONE reasonable way of providing it. (It's not the only way. We really aren't in the position of requiring doorway pages to be set up this way or that -- we just want some way to make sure someone doesn't use "Update URL" maliciously to hijack an existing listing.)
  • 1 month later...

Update URL followup


Just making sure we’re on track with our "Update URL" process. We thought we’d followed the proper procedure so that our Blinds.com site would replace the BlindsWholesale.com site previously listed in the ODP.


However, it appears instead that our new site, Blinds.com, has not been listed, and that BlindsWholesale.com has been replaced with Blinds Acquisition, LLC (still pointing to BlindsWholesale).


Blinds Acquisition, LLC is our corporate name (not a Web site) and not relevant to consumers.


Any insight or advice?

  • Meta
The ODP policy is to list corporate names. The thinking behind it is probably the problem of single entities spinning off swarms of product-line/brand-name doorway websites -- which require a very firm demurral. But I'd say that the identity of the product supplier is of all things most relevant to potential purchasers of the product.
  • Meta

We list companies with their legal name (in this case Blinds Acquisition, LLC ).

It seems that due to the bad history of spammy submissions the editor who reviewed the request (which was not done in the proper way, a suggestion is not an update request) didn't find a reason to change the url. [keep in mind only a very small amount of editors are active here at R-Z]

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


URL update


"# Do give the official name of the site as the title. Generally, the title will be obvious and prominently displayed on the site.


# Do give the official name of the business or entity as the title, if the site is about the business, organization, or other entity (e.g. a company's home page)."


Since the site is not a 'company home page' or 'about a business', but is instead a retail storefront, doesn’t it make sense to follow the first rule (name of the site)? In our case that would be Blinds.com.


For this reason, the large majority of retail sites listed on DMOZ (e.g. LendingTree, Expdedia, Servicemagic) are listed under the site name, not the corporate name (e.g. IAC). We're not trying to get multiple names listed like IAC, but just to have one url/name listed (the right one -- Blinds.com).


In addition to listing us under the wrong name, it also points to the wrong URL (blindswholesale...as opposed to Blinds.com).


Should it be deemed that our legal name (Blinds Acquisition LLC) must still be listed instead of our Web site name, then at a minimum shouldn't the target link be to our primary site, Blinds.com?


We thought that all the correct info was in the "update url" request we made per the suggestions of the group and believe it was done in the proper way. Thank you.


Because http://www.blindswholesale.com/ is still functional any request to change the listed URL would be declined.


It would be a different matter if http://www.blindswholesale.com/ had a permanent redirect to http://www.blinds.com .


I stress the word permanent. A temporary redirect for the purpose of obtaining a listing change would confirm our earlier suspicions and trigger an appropriate reaction.

  • Meta
Note that the site is really about a company -- as for any other site offering goods or services, what else could it be about, but the entity that provides the goods and services?

URL request


Fair enough. So assuming that the title stays as is...can it point to our primary site -- blinds.com? That's the 'url request' we made. We think it's a better user experience.

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