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I just recently (This morning, 4th of Aug) applied to edit /Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/D/


I was expecting a long wait for my review, but was surprised when a few hours later I already had it.


I was declined.


So, I dug through the forum looking for help and found this: "If your application is rejected, feel free to reapply. There is no reason to wait some set period of time before reapplying. You should, of course, try to do something about those factors which caused your application to be denied."


Unfortunately the editor that reviewed my application did not provide any comments.


What should my next step be from here? I feel that my vast experience (9 years+) in the category that I applied for would have been an asset.


The name I used to apply was starwebsg (StarwebSG)


Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Unfortunately the editor that reviewed my application did not provide any comments.


Generally speaking, if an editor does not provide additional comments, then the issue with the application is most often dealt with in the template.


Review the templated comments and validate your application against each of them.


Also, one of the first items is most often misunderstood: be absolutely certain that the category you have applied for is not too large.


Of course, I don't review editor applications, but I've seen enough responses from those who do to feel fairly confident that this general response is as accurate as any general response could be.


Wow, thanks for the fast response.


I have reviewed the template comments and validated them against my written application. Everything seems to be in order.


The only possibility that I see is that I applied for a category with about a hundred links. Would the application be denied on this alone, if everything else was in order?




The category is indeed too large for a trainee, but you'd get a different email for that.


I have reviewed the template comments and validated them against my written application. Everything seems to be in order.
We won't give detailed comments about individual rejections but I suggest that you repeat that exercise. I'll give you a clue. As with all application forms, it's generally best to answer the question that's actually been asked :) .
  jimnoble said:
I'll give you a clue. As with all application forms, it's generally best to answer the question that's actually been asked :) .


Ok, I see it.


Should I reapply with my new answers to the questions or pick a new category and start over.




Quick question about applying


Threads merged. Please don't start new ones about the same subject.




I am filling out the editor application for (again) my question is:


Under the section "Sites with which you are associated:" when it says "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part" does it mean ALL of the sites that I have designed solely or partially; for my self or others?


Does that included all of the sites that I am the webmaster of; Mine or otherwise?



does it mean ALL of the sites that I have designed solely or partially; for my self or others?

Does that included all of the sites that I am the webmaster of; Mine or otherwise?

Yes, and yes.


Sorry. I didn't intend to. I didn't notice until after.


Can and editor recommend a category in /Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/ that would be acceptable for a new editor application?



  • Editall/Catmv

You could always apply for a Regional category - your home town. Or a category in your home town if you live in a city like Los Angeles :)


If you live in a tiny little town (that's never heard of the internet) - maybe a neighboring town that's slightly larger would be a good choice.

Or, you could apply for a category about a hobby you enjoy, rather than one related to your work. I, personally, spend most of my time editing in the Arts and Society branches.

Unfortunately all of my hobbies are related to my work. My work is a hobby that I turned into a paying job.


I live in such a small remote area; I don't really know what is going on in the next area that is in Regional.


But hey, I applied for another category (one that was smaller). If I get refused then I suppose I will try to find something else that I am interested in as well as very familiar with.



  • 3 weeks later...

Application status...




I applied on the 4th of August for the category http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/Y/



I just looked at my notes, I don't know if I applied for /s, /y, or /d. But it was one of them.


It is possible that I was denied but never received the email. My ISP's mail server was down for over a week.



I used the name StarwebSG.


Could I please have a status check?


Thank You.

  • 2 weeks later...



I new it was one of them. I wrote applications for them all, just in case.


While I am waiting, would it be ok if I started submitting?





  • 1 month later...



I finally got my approval. I looked around and can't seem to find out how to get my 'member' changed to 'editor', also I can't seem to get access to the editor forums.


It has been so long since I applied, I am going to read and re-read the editing guidelines.




Welcome aboard.


Request upgrade in this forum to editor here.


It can take a while for the master password file to propagate around all our servers. There's no problem that patience won't fix. If you still don't have access on Friday, holler :) .

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