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I submitted my site http://www.incorporateacompany.com to DMOZ about a year ago in the catagory


at the time there was an editor and after a little bit of digging i discovered that he owned one of the company formation websites listed on the catagory and didnt seem to spend any time adding new listings, a short time later he was removed as an editor, since then the catagory has been without an editor, I applied to edit the catagory myself but never got a response.

I realise that I am probably not the only one not getting my site listed but I am just wondering why with a system that seems to despeatly need editors that more emphasis is not placed on getting new editors in?


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From what I can see a "competing editor" is not at related to your site not being listed - several editors have looked at your site.


However, in http://www.dmoz.org/add.html the following three paragraphs may prove to have a bearing on your submission


# Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.


# Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.


# Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.


The bottom line being - you have a site listed already, submitting other related sites jeapardize that listing.


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a system that seems to despeatly need editors that more emphasis is not placed on getting new editors in?
A system that desperately needed editors [and I'm not saying DMOZ does] would certainly not need new editors that create incorrect edits that existing editors have to go and correct thus increasing the workload for all.
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OK, you've made one step further in the direction of reality than many submitters seem -- in noting that your situation is not due to the ODP singling you out for personal persecution.


But at least two more steps need to be made.


The first is: how do you know how much emphasis is placed on getting new editors? And how do you know how successful it has been, and how successful it could be? So: more than WHAT emphasis? Clearly, the ODP editors are collectively placing more emphasis on finding editors than YOU are ... so you have no experential way of knowing even IF more emphasis could be placed -- just the assumption (which is likely not to be appreciated) that someone else could do less of what they think is important and more of what you think is important, just because you say so.


The other assumption is more subtle, but equally fallacious. The ODP is (from an economic perspective) supply-side-driven -- that is, it was designed to harness all available "emphases" (energy, knowledge) rather than to supply specific demand-side objectives. (That alone implies an emphasis on getting editors far beyond anything you could imagine -- that is, WE do not have to perceive a need, in order to accept a new editor. It is enough that a prospective editor can DEMONSTRATE a need -- perhaps even by creating one!)


Which supplies a new insight: no category CAN REALLY need an editor, unless there is some volunteer who perceives that need. If everyone on earth is happy enough with the current state of a category, to feel no need to improve it, ... then there is no need at all, let alone "desperate" need.


But this is not such a strange fact, when you drop back just a bit and think about it. After all, you didn't create your site because there was a "desperate need" for that kind of information. If it dropped off the web forever, people would still be able to obtain all the offshore services they need. So ... if you aren't driven by anyone's needs except your own, then ... your "desperate needs" may not be shared by anyone else on earth, and they CERTAINLY and ESPECIALLY aren't the "directory's."

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