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Google and some other search engines are using ODP diretory by downloading

in RDF. "Is google using any rdf implementation for google directory "?






sudhakar, I guess I'm not too sure what your question is...


The ODP produces a so-called RDF dump of the directory - various other directories pick that up and populate their own directories with this. One of those is Google.


Please could you rephrase your question? Thanks.

  • Meta

Sorry, but at least I don't fully understand the question.


If you are looking for a tool to use ODP data, you might want to look at http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/Open_Directory_Project/Use_of_ODP_Data/Upload_Tools/ - that is where we collect such tools.


If you want to know if google uses our RDF files for the google directory: Yes, they do.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp





ODP is provided download in RDF format by dmoz. They transformed the ODP directory

in RDF format. Likewise whether Google has any RDF implementation in any products of Google?




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