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Declined and have a question...


Good morning,


I received the email that my application for editor had been declined for the Shopping: Food: Seasonings: Meat: Rubs category and I fully understand the reasoning behind it, and I am in full agreement with the reasons.


However, I used the sites I did simply for example, as I was under the impression that this was more of a test of how I would write a listing that was being considered.


Would it be possible to make application again for this category? Is there a waiting period? Do I just fill out another application?


Thanks for your help.

Joe Johnson

  • Meta
Go ahead and apply again - there is no waiting period necessary as long as you have taken the reasons for rejection to heart :)
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

Thank you...


Thank you so much for the quick response. I have resubmitted my application and I believe I have followed the comments given to me...I've got my fingers crossed!!!


Thank you again.

Joe Johnson

  • Meta
The rejection always has a laundry list. Usually that means the reviewer thought one or more of them were obvious. If it's not yet obvious, think about it a bit.

Rejected again...




I was unfortunately rejected again for the category Shopping: Food: Seasonings: Meat: Rubs, but I didn't receive any personal feedback with the email this time.


I don't believe that I violated any of the items listed within the generic form text, so I was wondering if someone could shed some light on where I went wrong this time. I want to make sure that I am not repeating the same mistake over and over...


Thanks for your help.

Joe Johnson

  • Meta

Joe, if you only received one of the standard lists of reasons you can be 100% sure that one or more of these reasons are applicable for you. Understanding these reasons is also a part of the 'test' and we can't give specific help. But from what I have read (I'm not in a position to review editor applications myself) most common reasons are:

- sample site(s) don't belong in the category

- sample site(s) are already listed

- title and description of the sample site(s) didn't follow DMOZ guidelines

- bad spelling

- category is to big, to spammy (we don't want you to drawn) or to small (yes, this can be a reason, to small = there are not enough possible new sites to keep an editor busy)

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Editall/Catmv

If you've checked for spelling errors, are sure the sites belong in that exact area http://www.dmoz.com/guidelines/include.html , and have checked http://www.dmoz.com/guidelines/describing.html to confirm the titles and descriptions conform, and have looked at every site listed in the category to make sure you're not submitting sites already listed, then that leaves the possibility that the area is too spammy, too big, or too small.


Maybe you should look at starting with another category - like your hometown. If you live in a very small town (like Ames, Nebraska for example), look at one of the larger towns around you. Conversely, if you live in a large city (like Seattle, Washington for example), chose a subcategory of Seattle that interest you. Another option would be to check out the categories of your hobbies.


pvgool: "...or to small (yes, this can be a reason, to small = there are not enough possible new sites to keep an editor busy)..."

Oh my - to small! That’s a new one on me. I just applied for a very small category (Aylmer, Ontario) which is my home town.


Now I wonder if the category was to small if they would note that if the application was turned down?

Aylmer is a good size for a new applicant. Things are a bit different in Regional categories. Small localities in Regional often have the potential to really grow, whereas small niche sub-categories in topical branches are often already tapped out and a new editor would have a really hard time finding enough new sites to keep them busy, and to allow them to gain much experience. I always tell people that if they have a hard time coming up with the three sample URLs for the category, then it's probably a bad category for a new editor.
I agree with donaldb. I recently became an editor of a locality with about 20 sites already included in the directory. Through my link gathering, I've come up with nearly 30 new possible entries into the category. It's only a town of 9000, so I'm surprised with the number of links I was able to come up with.

Thank you all!


Thank you all for the great feedback. I really appreciate it.


I submitted my application a few days ago for the category Shopping:Food:Seasonings, so wish me luck!!!



Joe Johnson


Hoping no news is good news...




I made application to be an editor for the following category, on August 29, 2005 under the username carolinesrub. Shopping:Food:Seasonings:Spices


I was just curious if it had been reviewed yet? I tend to get the decline letters fairly quickly, so I am hoping no news is good news at this point - or at least not a decline!!


Thanks for your help as always.

Joe Johnson


Could a mod please combine this thread with her previous thread? Thanks.


carolinesrub, it's best if you keep discussions about your editor applications to a single thread instead of creating a new one each time you want to ask about a new application. Thanks.


My apologies...


I am sorry about that, and will make sure to keep things together...


Quick question...I have begun working with a new site since my application. How can I update things to reflect the new site so it doesn't appear that I was hiding anything or trying to deceive anyone? I would hate to get rejected over this!!


Thanks, and again please my accept my apology.




carolinesrub: "Quick question...I have begun working with a new site since my application. How can I update things to reflect the new site so it doesn't appear that I was hiding anything or trying to deceive anyone? "

The application states "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate."

Of course you can't add in URLs of sites that at the time of application you are not working on. So as long as you have done the above you are ok.

Also there is no way to update your application.


One thing you may want to do is mine up sites for the category you have applied for while you wait. I have found it helpful to take a similar category to the one you are applying for and take a copy of a number URLs from the category (with out looking at the titles and categories) and then go and write your own titles and category and see how you did.


This has helped me quite a bit. I have applied for a Regional category and I have been working on the other smaller towns around the town I applied for. After I have mined up a number of sites I compare them to the ones that are already added up and seeing how my titles and descriptions fair.


To me there seems to be 3 main things for a new editor to learn. 1) Which sites to add up, 2) The titles for the sites, 3) the descriptions for the sites.


You can start learning all these things while you are waiting for your review. I also have been adding up sites to the category I applied to and learn lots that way. I have added up 15 so far and it looks like only one has been rejected.


All the best in your application!


I am a non-editor and my advise should be considered non-authoritative.

While it's fine to give tips to other prospective editors, it's probably best if you leave the answering of questions related to the actual application process to the editors who are actually reviewing the applications. :)

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