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I'm not sure what difference it could possibly make, though. Once a site is listed, there's logically no further need for its suggestion. And the ODP's intended product is the directory (and not paperwork). If the directory is right, how does it matter how it got that way? And even if wrong, the only question that arises is: is there a recognizable symptomatic problem that can be addressed, or is it just another "humans do it better but not perfectly" error?
The archive of RDF files will allow you to find when sites are listed, by searching each one (they are dated) back until the site doesn't appear in the file anymore.
  • Meta
to find when sites are listed

which ofcourse has totaly no relation with

the date that my site was submitted

which in itself was a question without any relevance

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


It might not have even been submitted at all. Many sites are found by editors and added without submission.


The date the site was first available for review would be the date that the owner first put it online.


More on dates


1) Thanks for all the replies.


2) On Zeal, we have access to the contribution date of any site so I was hoping DMOZ might also have that available.


3) The reason I hoped to get a date of submittal, or at least the date the site was listed, was for extra protection against copyright infringement. I may have to go after a wealthy company, and having proof of authorship in several forms could keep the case out of court. I was able to find my site on the WayBack machine. But, your directory must have been restructured in 2004 since that page does not show up further back in time.

  • Meta

Ah, for something like that you'd probably want to serve AOL with a subpoena anyway, so there would be a certified evidence trail. Asking for "any and all dates on which there is any recorded action with regard to the URL, and for each date, specify any and all actions taken -- insofar as this information is preserved" -- would preserve editor confidentiality and still get you all the advantage you could get from that information. For your own satisfaction, there seems to have been a submittal date around 29/Aug/2001, and the first review date seems to be 13/Apr/2002. And at first the site was listed in http://dmoz.org/Home/Consumer_Information/Auctions/ before that category was further subdivided.


But still -- don't try to take any of THAT to the court. Who is to say whether the site submitted (or reviewed) is the same as the site you have today? (Every editor knows how many jerks submit a URL without any site at all -- hoping, I suppose, to develop the site after it gets listed! I have no reason to believe that happened here, but I definitely can't prove it one way or another.) So what you're asking about is, I think, not going to serve your need. The wayback machine is your friend here: also your regular, dated system backups.

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