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I applied to become an editor for the Algerian cuisine section. I am Algerian, born in France and currently living in America. I am a chef instructor at The California School of Culinary Arts, Le Cordon Bleu Program.


I also have an Algerian cuisine blog http://mybookofrai.typepad.com/cuisinealgerienne/


I passed up an opportunity for a cookbook deal to publish my recipes for free online so that it could reach more Algerians all over the world. Less than two weeks after starting my other blog http://mybookofrai.typepad.com/my_weblog/

The Algerians found me! People from Setif, the Province my family is from, were the first to find the site, then it snowballed from there.


I hope that I am accepted as an editor for this category.


Faridz: Those are very nice blogs. I blog myself so I know what goes into writing posts. You are keeping your blog very current also.


I liked the 9-3-2005 post by Anis Toumi on the three tieered couscussier. I have never seen one of them and the description of the cooking process made me hungry : )


I am in the process of applying for the 4th time for editor of a regional category here in Southern western Ontario, Canada. All the best on your application!

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