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to whom it may concern,

I just wanted to take the time nearly a year and a half after my first submission of online-store-list.com to the dmoz to appologize to the moderators who took the time to respond to my request even though obviously disgusted by affiliate sites. When first I started this website I had absolutely no computer experience at all and thought that when I came across the idea that it sounded like a wonderful idea to supplement my families incredibly tight finances. I Figured that it was at least worth trying anyway. At that time I didn't reallize how many of these type sites were on the web and didn't understand why the moderators took such exception and were so caustic and abusive in their condescending responses. Although I still take offense at the way I was responded to and treated by the manner in which the moderators responded to me about my site, I can at least now after playing at this for a while understand where their frustration must have come from with yet another consumer electronics affiliate site being put in fromt of them for consideration in the dmoz. I am sorry about what you must have seen as wasting your time, but still think that the moderators involved in the decision to exclude my site(online-store-list.com) could have been a little more understanding. I am sure that at one time in their lives that didn't know any better than I did. I also feel that they are not following the dmoz rules and are twisting them to their own personal interpretation and personal gain, but I guess that's the nature of this world. Those with the power oft do abuse. :)

webmaster(big laugh) at online-store-list.com

I also feel that they are not following the dmoz rules and are twisting them to their own personal interpretation and personal gain, but I guess that's the nature of this world. Those with the power oft do abuse.
If you have proof that an editor is abusing their position, please fill in an abuse reporting form. If you're just speculating about abuse because your site is unlistable and you feel people were rude to you here because your site is unlistable, then there's really not much we can do for you here. We don't list sites (like yours) that are nothing but affiliate link farms and that's the bottom line.

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