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Dear ODP Editors,

while ago I have requested from editor to update my description on my website that is listed on DMOZ, but I have noticed editor changed my domain name from bachelorvegas.com to vegasvip.com . I have requested to change the domain back to bachelorvegas.com which was originally listed however editor didn't change it within last several months.

vegasvip.com is our temporary landing page however we have risk to lose this website since we don't have the trademark yet. we have been fighting at the court with other company who claims our trademark and the domain vegasvip.com that is why we are only using our website bachelorvegas.com. if you check vegasvip.com, it is not even a website it is only a landing page that directs the visitors to our website bachelorvegas.com.

We would deeply appreciate if one of the moderators change the website domain back to bachelorvegas.com listed as vegasvip.com in following category.

Thank you very much in advance.


  • Meta
The forum isn't for site suggestions. You can use the "Update URL" link in that category to make the changes you think appropriate. Update requests, since they represent possible quality problems if ignored, usually get reviewed pretty quickly.
The forum isn't for site suggestions. You can use the "Update URL" link in that category to make the changes you think appropriate. Update requests, since they represent possible quality problems if ignored, usually get reviewed pretty quickly.



thank you for the quick response, That is exactly what I have done twice by clicking "Update URL" and asked him/her about it. Unfortunately Editor doesn't wanna change it. I am not suggesting my site just trying to understand how I could solve this issue with editor. He changed the domain name of my website that is already listed for some reason. I apologise if I have posted this message in wrong place.

  • Meta
If a company has more than one site we dcide which site to list. This will almost always be the site which has the company name as url and not any of its mirrors or sister- or daughtersites. In your case according to DMOZ guidelines the correct url is listed.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


The URL vegasvip.com is the only site which directs users to the two parts of your business, which you have chosen to split into two domains, lasvegascorporateevent.com and bachelorvegas.com


Since we will, in general, only list a business once, this is the only page that could be listed. That is why the URL was changed.


If and when you have to change things so that a different site is available which contains all your offerings, you are more than welcome to submit another update request.



  • Meta
I should mention, that the issue of what's 'about to happen' or 'might happen' is not one that editors can properly consider. It's what's happening now that forms the basis for all decisions.

thank you


If a company has more than one site we dcide which site to list. This will almost always be the site which has the company name as url and not any of its mirrors or sister- or daughtersites. In your case according to DMOZ guidelines the correct url is listed.



thank you for letting me know, I perfetly understand your point DMOZ prefers company's name as URL, I have to respect this decision. At this stage though vegasvip.com is the mirror site and bachelorvegas.com is the main site and always have been. what do you think about idea of redirecting vegasvip.com to bachelorvegas.com autmatically, would this convince the editor? I just don't want to make him/her angry. Thank you in advance for your answer.


thank you


The URL vegasvip.com is the only site which directs users to the two parts of your business, which you have chosen to split into two domains, lasvegascorporateevent.com and bachelorvegas.com


Since we will, in general, only list a business once, this is the only page that could be listed. That is why the URL was changed.


If and when you have to change things so that a different site is available which contains all your offerings, you are more than welcome to submit another update request.





thank you for your kind response, I understood your point and I think you are right about it. do you think if I include lasvegascorporateevent.com content to bachelorvegas.com and redirect vegasvip.com to bachelorvegas.com will this help me to able to have my bachelorvegas.com back in listing? bachelorvegas.com generates 95% of the company's business. The reason I am so desperate about that is because I am the one who asked the updates and gave the editor changing the domain name idea, therefore the owner of the company put big pressure on me to resolve this issue and he has no idea how things works. and this is definetely my problem, just trying to explain why I am requesting this. But I am not gonna bother you guys no more. You all aggreed that the editor's decision was right and I have deep respect that.

thank you one mroe time.

I should mention, that the issue of what's 'about to happen' or 'might happen' is not one that editors can properly consider. It's what's happening now that forms the basis for all decisions.



I agree Hutcheson, thank you for your concern.

  • Editall/Catmv

Without looking at your sites or listings

do you think if I include lasvegascorporateevent.com content to bachelorvegas.com and redirect vegasvip.com to bachelorvegas.com will this help me to able to have my bachelorvegas.com back in listing?

Yes. (Well, probably. If the content is on vegasvip, the reviewing editor might still choose to list vegasvip.com, even if the site URL were bachelorvegas.com.) Redirect, and submit a new "update listing" request, noting the redirect in the "reason" field, and your chances are good.

However, if you should change things back after any listing is updated, then someone might decide to delete all your listings to avoid having to keep following all your changes... (it has happened before, and one such individual is now a very loud anti-ODP protester out in other SEO forums).
  • Meta

Here's how an honest up-front company would handle multiple websites:


(1) Have a domain whose main page featured company name, company information, and links (possibly indirect) to all the company's various content.


(2) On basically every page of the company's content, have a prominent logo or text, clearly labelled to suggest "home" or "company" or "main page"), and pointing (again, possibly indirectly) back to the main page on the main domain.


As always, when an editor or other surfer happens on a page, the question "who is providing this content/making this offer/" arises: the first attempt at an answer will inevitably be tracking up the "home" chain.


Unless there's a REALLY good reason to go otherwise, that "home page of home domain" is what we'd list.


When I say "indirect", I mean that the first link doesn't have to go all the way; it just has to go to a page that has a home link that gets closer home.



I would like to thank you individually all the information you guys have provided. I am convinced that not to pursue about this issue anymore because as GIZ said, last thing I want is to piss off the editor. hopefully we will win the case of vegasvip.com then move all the content to vegasvip.com

I appreciated your time.



  • Meta

In the end, you (as the webmaster) have absolute control over what URLs are THERE to be potentially listed. And we know that. And if you want to spread your website over multiple domains, you can. (It is not, perhaps, MY preference, but it ain't my website either--and that's an end of the discussion.)


Editors just have control over which URLs we list. And in this context, the only things that will REALLY tick the editors off are switching domain names back and forth on us, and concealing the connections between domains. (Either one of those, and we may just throw up our hands and decline to bother further -- it's a headache we don't need, and there are lots of other sites to review.)


So: let the situation stabilize first, definitely. Then make sure a surfer can go to ANY of your domains and see what's what.


At that point, (if you wish) set up the bread crumbs for any surfer to follow to your preferred place, and suggest that the ODP reconsider what is the "canonical place."


Or (if you wish) make sure the ODP-listed domain links back to your main domain, and don't worry too much about whether ODP-directed surfers come in the side door or the front.





I agree everything you said and I am convinced about how Editor make decisions. This is the end of discussion..

Sometimes I ask myself why can't I be an editor ?? :( declined for two times but I know why now.

thank you all

  • 5 months later...



The forum isn't for site suggestions. You can use the "Update URL" link in that category to make the changes you think appropriate. Update requests, since they represent possible quality problems if ignored, usually get reviewed pretty quickly.

Hi Hutcheson,

after I made the site redirecting to bachelorvegas I have requested for update, you were right about being reviewed quickly, editor just erased my website within a few days. I won't bother you about why it happen,

I just want to ask you if I should resubmit it to the same category?

can editor blacklist a website ?

Is there a penalty period eventually be forgiven?

I just don't want to make the editor mad again, I have learned it hardway.

thank you very much


This is the sort of thing that happens when people submit multiple domains, especially when 99% of editors will never see this thread.


(Without knowing your specific details) It can go something like this: Some random editor comes along, notices a problem with a listing, or sees an update request, and looks at the site, perhaps remembers seeing the same site at a different URL, or sees that multiple URLs have been submitted, or just has a hunch, but nonetheless wonders how the website is trying to buck the system, and decides to remove all listings while they look into things more deeply...




Elsewhere in the directory I have several such sites that "might" be listable (based on their content), but which I am sure are "up to something", and so they will sit in unreviewed until I (or some other editor with a better "nose") finds out just what that "something" is. One site that I sandboxed a year ago, had actually taken about two years to fully reveal the extent of their spammy methods. When discovered, all related sites were dropped from unreviewed and dozens of public listings for multiple domains were nuked too.


Editor time dealing with one site that was up to no good, could have been better used to list many dozens of other, legitimate, sites in that time, so you can see why editors don't want to spend any more time than they have to on things like this.

This is the sort of thing that happens when people submit multiple domains, especially when 99% of editors will never see this thread.


(Without knowing your specific details) It can go something like this: Some random editor comes along, notices a problem with a listing, or sees an update request, and looks at the site, perhaps remembers seeing the same site at a different URL, or sees that multiple URLs have been submitted, or just has a hunch, but nonetheless wonders how the website is trying to buck the system, and decides to remove all listings while they look into things more deeply...




Elsewhere in the directory I have several such sites that "might" be listable (based on their content), but which I am sure are "up to something", and so they will sit in unreviewed until I (or some other editor with a better "nose") finds out just what that "something" is. One site that I sandboxed a year ago, had actually taken about two years to fully reveal the extent of their spammy methods. When discovered, all related sites were dropped from unreviewed and dozens of public listings for multiple domains were nuked too.


Editor time dealing with one site that was up to no good, could have been better used to list many dozens of other, legitimate, sites in that time, so you can see why editors don't want to spend any more time than they have to on things like this.


Giz, thank you for quick reply, I appreciated your information. I understand how editors think and respect their decision. What I understood from your explanation, a DMOZ editor can sandbox a website for couple of years for offense and it is not permanent. As long as I have the hope I can wait two years. Would asking if my specific website sandboxed or not considered as asking for status?

Thank you and have a nice day

Would asking if my specific website sandboxed or not considered as asking for status?
(a) We don't have a sandbox and (b) yes, if we had a sandbox, that would count as a status check. :)
  • Meta

What I choose not to do, is not binding on any other editor, let alone not for any particular period of time. After all, EVERYTHING the other editors do, are things I didn't do first.


I should have thought that would have to be obvious, but I guess it's not as obvious as it seemed to me. Obvious or not, it's true.


Also, it is very, very important to remember that no single editor controls/owns/runs/manages any given category.


There are more than 200 editors who can edit in any given cateogry.


Any editor can edit in categories that are further out in the tree.


Finally, a lot of editors voluntarily view updates as priority tasks, and thus tend to get to them fairly quickly -- and that editor may never again have reason to go back to that given subcategory. Thus, the concept of irritating a given editor --- and thus being penalized -- is generally irrelevant.


Thank You All


Thank you all, I will let go for some time.. I am all clear now.

glad to have you guys here.


Oh, yes. I should have made it much more clear that just because I have set aside a site to look at later, that doesn't stop any other editor coming along and deciding to list it, or deciding that it is rabid spam and deleting it.
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