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I submitted my website http://www.recipes4word.com in the summer of 2003. I resubmitted again in 2004, and most recently within the last week. The category is Writer's software. I can't find any reason why it would be rejected, and if so, why I wouldn't be informed. If you search for it on dmoz...zip, nada, nothing.


I know there is a backlog...but years?


Guidance would be appreciated.


  • Editall/Catmv

I don't see what this has to do with quality control.


The FAQ will answer your question - please read them. In addition - you can also read other threads in a more appropriate area dealing with the same question ad nauseum.

  • RZ Admin



Please have a read over the various FAQs as lmocr mentioned.


There is really no guidance to be offered. You have suggested the URL, so there is nothing more to be done. The best thing to do now is forget about it.


Thanks :)

Curlie Admin photofox
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