Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Hello I'm not sure about this .. but i have Submit My site Already .. can i submit anther url example our Site : i have already submit the site. know i have add anther Link Exchange Directory the url is So can i submit this link also ..? or this is not allowed ?
Editall/Catmv emil2004 Posted December 18, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted December 18, 2005 In the submission policies and instructions. generelly it says: Do not submit the same URL more than once. If your site have a geographical regions, editors might also add your site to Regional. ODP editor - emil2004
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Nice info I think i will take anther Domain name and then point it to that link and i will submit it .. and see.
birdie Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 I think i will take anther Domain name and then point it to that link and i will submit it you obviously did not read the guidelines linked to above? or did you? did you see what it said about submitting redirects?
Editall/Catmv emil2004 Posted December 18, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted December 18, 2005 Nice info I think i will take anther Domain name and then point it to that link and i will submit it .. and see. In the submission policies and instructions, it's also saying: Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address. It's always a good idea to read the submission policies and instructions, before suggestion a site to dmoz. ODP editor - emil2004
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 you obviously did not read the guidelines linked to above? or did you? did you see what it said about submitting redirects? it is not redirected it's Parket Domain name to link Example
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Parked/Redirected its still a duplicate site and *WILL* be deleted as such not only by dmoz but also by the search engines. Please understand we are trying to help you... so please pay attention to what we say. Hello maybe i dont Explain Good .. I'm not trying to duplicate The Domian name i have over then 30 Domain name that already Parked and Redirected to one domain name .. i dont submit them i did for one that still not imporved know i have Link directory for poeple to submit their site .. it is in the same URL that i already Submit it .. so i come here to ask if i can also submit the link directory or not.. i can move this link directory to be use in Diffrents Domain name example : if this not allowed i can move it to anther domian name . so it will be use in the home page and saprate from the other .. hope this explain good. And sorry for my bad english
martinpaling Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Ok, sorry if i sounded harsh - but i wouldn't like to think you inadvertantly destroyed your site by accidentally creating duplicate pages. if you are to move the content to another domain you must remove it from its previous location.
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Can you give me aPlace To read about Parked/Redirected domian name . because i think most of the company already do this .. even Dmoz with all their domain name are parked anyway for know i have removed the parked from our domain name if u could give me a palce to read about Parked/Redirected it will be nice and if u can answer to me why this company and other 10000 site already use the Parked/Redirected ?
Editall/Catmv emil2004 Posted December 18, 2005 Editall/Catmv Posted December 18, 2005 Have have already given it to you. but here it's again and maybe you should also read this one: ODP editor - emil2004
martinpaling Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 were not saying do not have parked or redirect pages we *ARE* saying *do not submit more than one domain/url*
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 OMG i can't Believe that my english is bad like this .. Parked/Redirected its still a duplicate site and *WILL* be deleted as such not only by dmoz but also by the search engines. When i read this about Search Engines i go right away to remove all Parket Domain name.. so i ask you where is this posted that Parked/Redirect is not Good idea for the Search Engine or Dmoz. @emil2004 i already know about this ..and in my first post i say that i have submit just one site .. and that it .. Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.
martinpaling Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 OMG i can't Believe that my english is bad like this .. When i read this about Search Engines i go right away to remove all Parket Domain name.. so i ask you where is this posted that Parked/Redirect is not Good idea for the Search Engine or Dmoz. I'm sorry - it looks like we're confusing each other! my inital comments were regarding duplicate content and duplicate submissions to DMOZ I then meant to point out that duplicate sites would/could be penalised by search engines. I'm sorry if I was not clear and have caused confusion.
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Thanks anyway All We have that the only one site we have to be listed there ... that all.
Meta nea Posted December 18, 2005 Meta Posted December 18, 2005 Club2share - I'll try to answer your questions but I'm not quite sure I understand you, so forgive me if I answer things you didn't actually ask. If you have submitted the URL you should not submit or any other link from the same site. There may be exceptions, but in the case of you should not submit any other link from that site. You should also not get another domain for and submit that domain. Such related sites should not be listed in the ODP. About parked domain names: we don't list sites that only lead to a parked domain, and we don't list URLs that redirect to another site. With several million listed sites, it is inevitable that there will be some parked domains and redirects in there - we search for them but if you find listings we have missed, please let us know in this thread. Does this make anything clearer? Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
Meta hutcheson Posted December 18, 2005 Meta Posted December 18, 2005 club2share, the content you described is "related". Even if you put it on two completely different domains on different servers in different countries, it would still be "related". The problem you run into, is: the submittal policy says that if you suggest related URLs, we may reject them both, and we may even remove any other listings that are related to them! (That is, any listings that have anything to do with you.) Your idea is not a good idea. Put all your content in one basket, and suggest that basket. Once.
Guest Posted December 18, 2005 Posted December 18, 2005 Club2share - I'll try to answer your questions but I'm not quite sure I understand you, so forgive me if I answer things you didn't actually ask. If you have submitted the URL you should not submit or any other link from the same site. There may be exceptions, but in the case of you should not submit any other link from that site. You should also not get another domain for and submit that domain. Such related sites should not be listed in the ODP. Hello that what i understand the reson that make me to come here and ask after i see many website that have multi link and some of them like 50 ..
Meta hutcheson Posted December 18, 2005 Meta Posted December 18, 2005 There are two rules. One rule is for submitters, and it is what you have been told repeatedly. The other is for editors, and it allows "exceptional" sites to have multi links. Yes, the rules are different.
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