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Hey everyone..... I've been away from here for quite a while, so hello to everyone... What are the necessary requirements to hold multiple catagories...


I know I have seen sites like topix.net and city-data which are so rich with information that they can be listed in many areas of the open directory and I can definetly see why... Those sites are really great and cover a heck of alot of info....


Is there any actual requirement for multiple catagories to such an extend or is it based on a case by case study?


It is determined on a case-by-case basis by the editors.


No matter how valuable you think your site is, you must comply with the posting guidelines:


Submit once to the single best topical category.

Submit once to the physical location (within Regional/) where you have an office/storefront.

Submit once to each non-English (World/) language category where your site has been translated. Machine translations and links to translation sites such as Babelfish do not qualify.


(Naturally there are exceptions to the above, but in general terms those provide good guidance.)

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