Guest deanril Posted May 5, 2003 Posted May 5, 2003 I have my site waiting, most likely 2-3 months, I submitted on mar 24, after being stupid and resubmitting after it sat foir like 2 1/2 months. Anyway, Im more educated now then I was then, and wanted to know if I can change my Description that i submitted with, my site. My site: Submited to: I would like to change my description to: Offering Custom wheels, car rims, tires, parts and accessories. Wheels and rims for cars, trucks and suv's. Any help would be so greatly appreciated!!!
Meta hutcheson Posted May 5, 2003 Meta Posted May 5, 2003 Don't waste your time trying to push a blatantly non-guidelines-compliant description through. You might want to read the editors' guidelines to see what a description SHOULD say, and what kind of redundancy ISN'T allowed. But, if you had changes to suggest that might actually be approved, since the site isn't listed, you can simply resubmit -- the new submittal overwrites the older one. Voila, new description waiting for editor. If the site HAD already been accepted, you would file an "Update URL" request, and give a reason. Caveat: "I want more keyword-stuffing to help promote my site in the search engines" is, of course, NOT a reason calculated to sway an editor, who could be removed for promoting ANY one site over the others in its category.
Guest deanril Posted May 5, 2003 Posted May 5, 2003 I re-submitted, once I had been waiting 2.5 months. Which was extremely stupid. Now my last submital has been there for 1.5 months, I most likely have 2.5 months to go. Why would I re-submit? I dont want to wait 4 months. Sometimes I wish I could just pay DMOZ. It would be so much easier. Like with yahoo. You pay them $300 they approve bam your done. I have even volunteered to be an editor. You just have to wait. Now if I dont have any keywords in my description, then how can i describe my website. The listing is for Wheels and tires. Many allready listed have very simalar descriptions to the one I want. Whats the big deal. Would you have me say, Description: "Online sales, we have some stuff here, we sell things, oh also we have just like 1 or 2 wheels for sale" We sell custom wheels, car rims, wheels & rims, for cars trucks and suv's. We carry parts and accessories. One must consider, they only let you say so many words. Can you think of a better way for me to convey this, without using keywords? Thank you Edit: well my Car Rims part is stuffing, and wheels 2 times is stuffing you have a point there. Maybe "Offering Custom wheels, rims, tires, parts & accessories for cars trucks and suv's" Would be ok?
Alucard Posted May 5, 2003 Posted May 5, 2003 OK, you are submitting to a category called "wheels and tires" - therefore anybody looking at that category would *know* that the site dealt with wheels are tires. Also, repetition of a word in the description can look like trying to keyword stuff. Now, admitted, it's difficult to write any sort of ceherant description for a category lie this without repeating the name of the category, so in this case, it's allowed. However, submitting a description like "Selling car tires, truck tires, RV tires, motorcyle tires" seems like an obvious attempt at stuffing the keyword "tires". A better for of it would be "Selling tires for cars, trucks, RVs, and motorcycles." Also, just because there may be sites in there which don't conform to this, doesn't mean that it is correct to do. As has been explained in other threads, some listings were made before we had such stringent guidelines, and a volunteer editor hasn't had the time to come in and clean it up yet. Hope this helps clarify a little. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> But anyway, you won't need to resubmit - when an editor reviews the site, they will change the description to make it guidelines-compliant - the reaosn I am writing this is to show you how guideline-compliabnt descriptions are written.
Guest deanril Posted May 5, 2003 Posted May 5, 2003 Thank you very much for your time in explaining this!
Meta hutcheson Posted May 5, 2003 Meta Posted May 5, 2003 >Why would I re-submit? In order to change your suggested description. >I dont want to wait 4 months. The resubmittal would push your site back to the end of the queue, SORTED BY DATE. Many editors, like me, never sort by date anyway. So there is no correlation between the time it has already taken, and the additional time a resubmittal would take. A resubmittal might actually improve your chances of a quick review -- if, for instance, you replaced a poor suggested description with a much better one that caught the eye of the editor by its innate clarity and guidelines-complianceness. (We're not worried so much about time to review, as about adding good descriptions for what we do review.) It's completely your call: resubmit to start from a cleaner description, or let the editor take a shot at cleaning up what you submitted before. But understanding the process will enable you to at least make an informed decision. (Rational or prudent -- that we can't help you with.)
Guest deanril Posted May 5, 2003 Posted May 5, 2003 Thank you I understand now. Im going to say exactly, what Im sure everybody else says, however mine is accurate. "my sight is the best for a user IMHO!!" hehehe It really is, the graphics are sweet, my product is a looks product, I have large pictures but small file sizes. I have alot of good info, have all the stuff needed about us, return policies, all kinds of good info, I always get emails, that people enjoy the site ect...... But Ill tell you what, my NO-DMOZ listing is hurting me in the serps. Custom wheels is my main keyword, im on page 5, but Google only thinks I have 1 page, currently, next update it has my 30 static pages, but not my 1000 dynamics. In Car rims, which is the #2 most popular keyword, I made page 1 , with only my home page being indexed, and 2 backlinks. Now in custom wheels and car rims, Im positive I can so much better, when backlinks are picked up, my dynamics are crawled, and my statics are listed. But most of all when my DMOZ hits!!! lol, I need the dmoz to put that final zing on the whole 3 months of working till 2:00 am, So Im not sure if I want to Re-submit. It may kill me, to wait even longer, Im highly impatient. google updates/dances every 35 days are killing me all ready, lol. Thank you very very much for your imput, I really appreciate it, you guys are great to help others in this trying endevor!
Meta hutcheson Posted May 5, 2003 Meta Posted May 5, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description OK, but you gotta understand: What Google's SE does with the ODP is from our viewpoint "creative abuse." We don't do (or not do) things based on how Google is abusing our data THIS week. It's not precisely that we don't care, because it is kind of slick in a way. They could change; in fact, editors have asked them to change some things. And they certainly aren't making the fullest use possible. (For instance -- and I'm not complaining about this -- Google DOESN'T index YOUR site by keywords in OUR description of it. If people understood that, they'd waste a lot less of their and our time asking for keyword-studded descriptions.) But Google's algorithms are their lookout. So long as our data is good, that's all we take responsibility for. And "officially" that's all we care about.
Guest deanril Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description I hear you. Your saying my whole post I did here is not needed <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Just the fact that Im in wheels and tires is enough, because google doesnt look at the description, put in by the editor, but just the fact that the site is on DMOZ in that category. Wait wait wait.... Thanks again you guys are great, I understand now, but I still dont want to re-submit. I think Ill just wait it out, and hope nothing has happened to my editor for my category. I pray he is healthy and is able to get to his work in a timely manner <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> Thanks alot guys!
Meta hutcheson Posted May 6, 2003 Meta Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description >Your saying my whole post I did here is not needed. Well, yes, it didn't change the submittal status... But, really, no, not at all. For one thing, I'm assuming (hoping) there are other lurkers out there who wanted or needed to know this, but were afraid to ask. That's what forums are about. And if a dozen or two of them decide to replace their first, really bad, submitted descriptions with much better ones, it may save us all time.
Guest deanril Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description Well hold on here a minute. The reason I wanted to change my description was because IT DOES MATTER. Example: went from #12 to #1 in car rims, with a brand new dmoz listing (wasnt listed before in DMOZ). The description is listed right bellow googles description on the serps, this is the description from DMOZ. Look at these 2 urls. This one is from 2-3weeks ago using results(2 weeks old database) Position #12 Now position #1 using regular I feel his DMOZ listing BECAUSE it has Car rims in it, made him go to #1. Now here we go again, "Custom wheels" Guy went from page #15 to page #4 from his DMOZ listing, the DMOZ desription has "Custom Wheels" as does it have "Car Rims" for the above example. I checked him out on a few other key words, his jump was not nearly as drastic. When I studied this guys site, and saw him as #1, I had figured this out and wanted to change my description. This to me tells me that my DMOZ description is EXTREMELY important. Hes on page 15 at the bottom here: Now with his new DMOZ listing with "Custom Wheels" hes on page 4, he moved up 110+ spots! Shoot, hes on the bottom of page 14, and went to top of page 4, he moved 120 spots just with his DMOZ listing, site has not changed, all other keywords did not jump as nearly as much.
Meta hutcheson Posted May 6, 2003 Meta Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description Invalid reasoning (post hoc, propter hoc) leading to erroneous conclusion. The phenomena you notice are not directly related. The Search position is due to Google page RANK delta only. The ODP listing did not change Google's page RELEVANCE (for ANY keyword in the description!) The DISPLAY includes the description, but that's pulled from a different database. Google search position is affected by both page rank and page relevance. This confuses a lot of people. Page RANK is how many other people think your page is worth linking to. Page RELEVANCE is how well the words on your page match the words people are searching for. Both factors factor into SEARCH ORDER, which is what you noticed. So far as Google is concerned, the same effect on search order could have been obtained by an ODP listing for that site in the Medieval_Drama category -- or any other category, however irrelevant to Automobile parts, that had the same "page rank per links" ratio. Not, of course, that we would care one way or another even if Google WERE using the description as keyword input...but the good news is that your page RELEVANCE is ALMOST altogether under your own control. The above analysis may NOT be true for the wannabe-next-generation search engines that may try to do, e.g., something like thematic correlation between source and target pages of links, as a way of killing off linkspammers like FFA link farms and affiliate banner farms. But at this point, Google doesn't do theming.
motsa Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description It matters to you but it doesn't matter so much to us. We aren't concerned with the PR ranking (potential or otherwise) of sites we review. A reasonable request to change a description is usually accepted but remember that we aren't here to keyword-load your description to boost your Google ranking.
Guest deanril Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description Ok guys, but its right there in black and white. He doesnt even have a single word on his front page saying "Rims" "Car" or "Custom" , he has his desription hidden, and in there is his only mention of car rims, and custom wheels. Yet he jumped to those positions only after his DMOZ listing, with his description saying custom wheels, and car rims.(both for his page, and DMOZ with no visable text for this) Page rank? Ive seen many page ranked "PR4" being number 1-6, yet PR6-7-8 at 10-1000, I dont think PR has anything to do with it. Im a PR4, for now hes a PR3, Im at #10 hes at #1 so PR has nothing to do with anything in reality. Can I change my description now please <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Description: "Offering online sales of Custom wheels, car rims, tires, parts and accessories" Please , Im NOT trying to be a pain in the butt, I just saw this, and said, damn, maybe if I changed my description before my listing hits I may do better as this site most definately has. Thank you for any help, and for your useful information!
Alucard Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description As stated before, if you resubmit with a different description, the submission date will be changed to the new one, and any editor sorting by date (which is one of the sort options) would have it lower in their list. It's really your decision, as you have no way of knowing how a reviewing editor will change the description you submit (most editors rewrite just about every description). The only way to get listed faster is to make sure that the description is as in accordance with the guidelines as possible. After that you have to leave it up to the ODP editors. Any further discussion about what our downstream users of the ODP data do with it may well be of academic interest, but it has no relevance to how the site will get reviewed or listed in the ODP, nor will it in any way influence the review process. I hope this helps resolve this issue for you.
Guest deanril Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description Ok thankyou, can you tell me, would it be quicker if I just submitted to here: vs here : Which has a longer list? Seems people are getting in quicker (less then 2 months, I have another 2-3 to go) on the top one. Thank you
Meta hutcheson Posted May 6, 2003 Meta Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description Yes, you can request a description change (without posting in any forum). No, we don't care whether your site is #12 or #12,000 in Google, and we certainly wouldn't tweak a listing to harm other listings by promoting it over them. No, this is not the forum to explain the inner workings of Google, and I probably shouldn't have even opened that subject -- but that evidence doesn't lead where you think it does. But and have Google forums, and a couple of months' reading there will help you at least grasp some of the potential subtleties of what seems so simplistic now. Check them out.
Guest deanril Posted May 6, 2003 Posted May 6, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description I just wanted to change my description, thats it. I dont want to cause problems <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> But I have learned so much (from I put my description in that I really dont remember what I put in. So I thought I might be able to change it. Sorry for any problems....
apeuro Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 Re: Can I change My information, like description Unfortunately a lot of what is posted at webmasterworld, especially in the Google forum, is crap. Personally when dealing with Google-realted info I find that unless a poster is a moderator or an admin, they're rarely worth listening too. Try , they also have an excellent, and extremely informative forum.
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