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status: http://floridatimesharecompany.com

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The site is awaiting review, along with over 100 other sites. If you wish for an update, please use this thread and ask again in at least a month from now. Sorry the news isn't any better, but I'm sure you can understand that this is a very submission-heavy category.



Guest montant
Thanks for the quick response. I'll try again in a month. Have a nice day.
Guest montant

Our original site www.itsabouttimeshare.com is listed under the company’s old name (Alkire Realty Inc.) before we started doing business as Florida Timeshare Company in Aug. 2002. We had submitted it to the Open Directory a year or so ago to the same category we recently submitted our new site (www.floridatimesharecompany.com). That category is http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Timeshares/. We did not know www.itsabouttimeshare.com was listed under the category of Regional/.../Orlando/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging.


We hadn't followed up or pursued it being listed in the Open Directory once we changed our company name and started designing our new site. We wanted to wait until our new site was ready and promote it instead. The main difference between the sites is that we are limited to changes we can make with the old site because of the way it’s designed.


We have tried to be very careful to avoid submitting both sites to any of the directories or major engines. The only reason the old site is even still on the Internet is because we were able to change the company name and it was grandfathered into Yahoo and Looksmart before they started charging annually. We have not submitted the new site to them nor do we plan to. The last thing we want is to be accused of submitting a mirror site to anyone - especially the Open Directory.


I don’t know what our next step should be with the Open Directory. If we had a choice of just one site being listed in The Open Directory, it would be the new site www.floridatimesharecompany.com. The requested category would be Regional>North America>Travel and Tourism>Lodging>Timeshares. Or, should we request the company name be changed on the old site and see if it could be moved (or added) to the category Regional>North America>Travel and Tourism>Lodging>Timeshares?


Please advise. Thank you.


The correct way to request updating a title, URL, and/or description is to use the "update URL" link on the top right of the category page where the site is currently listed.


It will help our review process if the currently listed site is set up to redirect to the new one -- as that will help demonstrate that they are owned by the same company.

Guest montant
I have submitted the updated changes as you instructed. Please let me know if I need to do anything else. Thank you
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