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  • Meta
Read and understand the Guidelines is the best and first advice I would offer. :)



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





My Forum is not listing since 1 year


Dear All,


I have a website ... and I have a forum at ... the problem is that my forum is not listing in google and yahoo.


Could you tell me, Since 1 year its not listing.


Please help me I will grateful to you.



Thank you,



Sashikanta nayak

  • Meta

No, we can't tell you that here.


But, basically, it doesn't matter. If you do not have a core of content -- a community of people already discussing something (or already visiting a content-rich site for information about something) -- if you do NOT have this, then it doesn't matter how many forum-spammers find the site through Google: nobody will ever use the forum except the forum spammers; no real visitor will ever stay on the site for a moment after seeing the forum-spam. You really shouldn't be starting a new forum; if you have something to say, you should be visiting some of the forums that are already set up on the subject of your interest.


And ... if you DO already have a community of visitors, then you do not need Google and Yahoo.


See? A non-issue. The site will live without Google or Yahoo, or it will die with them. There really isn't any middle ground worth considering.

  • Meta
Forums have to have heavy usage to be listed - a lot of good posts by a lot of different people. Significant unique content is the key. A few posts by the owner and one or two other people won't qualify. I haven't looked at your site, so I don't know if your forum has significant unique content or not. If you have submitted it, it will be reviewed eventually, we don't know just when.

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