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i never got an email when i submitted, was i suppost to get it straight away? some people have said that it might have been filtered, but if it has its not there now, (proberly deleted) what should i do about this?


thanks, Joshua

We don't send out emails when you suggest your site (and we rarely send out emails when the site is reviewed). If you got the thanks page, that's all you are going to see.
Ah, yes, you should have gotten a confirmation email that you have to respond to in order to confirm the application. As far as I can tell, our application system is working fine at the moment so the email would have been sent out OK. Check your spam filtering if you never received it. If you still can't find it, I'll offer you the same advice that donaldb gave to another applicant recently:
Until you respond to the confirmation request, which you haven't received, your application sits in a bit of a limbo state to which we do not have access. If you wait a few weeks, the limbo queue will be automatically flushed and you'll be able to apply again.

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