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First, I want to take a sec to thank you all for volunteering your time for this. I'm pretty surprised and disappointed to see so few seem to appreciate your efforts.


My question is this. When I view my backward links from Google, my listing in dmoz does not show up. Why would this be? I have been listed for a few months now, so it should show up.


If it helps, my web site address is http://www.ableinspector.com


Thank you for your help.


Although what Hutcheson says is true, it is well known that Google does not show all backlinks - just a sample of them. At least that's what happens if you use the link:example.com method of searching for them. If you try searching for +example.com, you should see more backlinks.


You might find it easier though to use Yahoo Search to check your backlinks.


Google Backlinks


I've been experiencing similar stuff with Google listing backlinks. Say I search for link:competitor.com and it comes up with a number of backlinks to directories that our site is listed on also. You'd think therefore that Google has obviously indexed those pages, but when searching for link:mysite.com those sites won't come up at all.


Dunno if this had anything to do with anything at all but I did start a dialogue with Google about their policies in regards to using web marketing tools, whereby they have no problem with you using software you develop using their API but they denounce any use of commerical software even if it uses their API. Which seems a bit silly to me given the way the advancement of society depends on the specialization of its citizens.


Within this conversation the topic of backlinks came up, mainly that Google had completely wiped out all of my sites backlinks a couple of weeks after our conversation started. Ouch.


Not really sure what went on there, we used to show about 14 links when searching for link:website.com but now we show zero although we do show 9 links for link:http://www.website.com


Anyways, guess all I'm trying to say is that it's probably best that you read all of Googles policies and so forth before you contact them and be very careful of what you say.


Edit- Wow! I never knew about the +website.com search. Searching for link:http://www.website.com = 9. +website.com = 413! Thanks for the info.



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