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Sorry if this is not the best place to post - not obvious where to place it.

Website host listing at




still has mywbpage.netscape.com as a very respectable performer.


It was flawed eighteen months ago and for at least the last four months has reduced to a feeble search mechanism, with NO facilities for maintaining the hosted sites or for creating new ones - or even for posting an 'abandoned ship' notice on an existing site.


ALL efforts to communicate with these people have failed, incidentally At this point they should not be listed at all.

with NO facilities for maintaining the hosted sites or for creating new ones - or even for posting an 'abandoned ship' notice on an existing site.

Netscape's free webhosting appears to be working just fine, both for creating a new site and editing an existing site.


ALL efforts to communicate with these people have failed, incidentally At this point they should not be listed at all.
We don't review or critique a company's customer service when reviewing the site. Nor is their failure to respond to your communications a reason to delist them.


The site is listable where it is.

  • Editall
That site just comes up with a page containing nothing but a search box here as well.

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.

  • Editall/Catmv
It looks fine to me - maybe it's looking at where the ISP is that you're using and only offering services to a certain area?
callimachus, you went to the URL that is actually listed, i.e. mywebpage.netscape.com, and not the mywbpage.netscape.com URL that was posted in the original post, right? The original poster misspelled the URL.



Sorry for simply careless misprint. I have been trying to update my site on the right URL for many months, using both Mozilla and Internet Explorer You surely can't tell me that you get a full page about creating and updating websites at that address (rather than the pathetic search box I get)??


I surely can. I get a fully functioning site. In fact, I signed up for and created a dummy home page with no problems while checking it out. See http://mywebpage.netscape.com/bubbaloo613/ .


Their front page does say that they've been experiencing technical difficulties (it says "My Webpage has recently experienced some technical difficulties. Some pages are no longer accessible, or may not contain edits you may have made recently. We regret any inconvenience this has caused, and apologize.") -- perhaps they are having server problems that causes the search to show some times and the full page to show others. Try going directly to http://mywebpage.netscape.com/_fm -- it takes awhile to load but it should eventually bring you to an AOL ID sign in box to take you to the MyWebPage file manager.


[Added: I did at one point see the search box you were talking about on one of the inner pages -- looks like the page only partially loads -- but I was able to get around that quite easily]


More mywebpage


Very many thanks for the careful attention, all.

Motsa, I did get to the file manager by your route - first time I have seen my fileset since August - but have not so far been able to edit the index file. Will keep trying. Thank you for that tip.

It appears that Netscape has a more complex problem than I thought, but if I can just plant a re-direct to an improved site elsewhere, I'm out of there.

The message you quote about technical difficulties was there to my knowledge 18 months ago, by the way!

If anyone would like to see pictures of Crete, by the way,


and http://community.webshots.com/user/tomnikuk


Thanks again

  • Editall

Motsa I can reach the page you created but when I go to http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ (I corrected the error) I just get a search box with a space above it. Both FF and IE result in the same thing.


Looking at the source, it looks like a number of script functions are called but there is no script declaration anywhere on the page. It does appear that they are having some kind of server issue. Looks like a pandemic. heh

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.

Turned out to very amusing. I went to the page, and it logged me in, I must have set up an account at some epint in the past and then forgot about it (senility must be setting in). I was able to upload a picture and create a web page.

Thanks again


... to Callimachus for confirmation I am not going mad (in this respect at least).

I have now edited homepage to provide re-direction to my functioning site. You have solved MY problem, and I'm grateful.

After failing to get Netscape's attention for more than a year, latterly to this server problem, I hereby give up on trying to solve THEIR problem.

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