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Hey it would be real nice to actually see some positive posts or stories about how someone actually got accepted to become an editor... all I see in the forum pages is.. rejected .. denied .... dumped.... no-no-... not this time...last time I am gonna apply.. getting ready to cut my wrists.... ! Surely there are some applicants who made it through ? perhaps hearing from them would give the rest of us something in the way of hope !.. anyway just a thought :rolleyes:
People who are accepted don't general come back here to post "Hey, I was accepted!!!". They may come back here (though many never come here at all) but you generally don't notice that they've gone from member to editor unless you're looking. It *does* give things a bit of a one-sided slant.

yeah I guess you guys are right


Jim thats a lot of editors ! so the odds are good of making it through, but it would still be nice if people did write up some "I made it" stories..lol. Thanks for your feedback meta's. I promise if I get through i shall definatly make a point of writing up a post about it... pehaps it will start a trend ! HAGD :)

Do you have the data on how many got rejected? Ok I was rejected twice, with reasons I would consider pretty phony. I am a reasonably intelligent, commited person interested in giving my time time for free and they wont let me?!

That's not publicly available information.


If you do try again, be sure to take note of any comments included in the emails and refrain from answering questions selectively :D .

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