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http://www.frozen-drink-machine.com/ is a subsite of http://www.grindmaster.com which is already listed in http://dmoz.org/Business/Food_and_Related_Products/Foodservice_Equipment/Beverage. It won't be listed.


I can't even begin to load the unreviewed queue for http://dmoz.org/Business/Business_Services/Consulting/, it's so huge, so I have no idea if you're waiting there but I would expect that you'll be rejected since http://www.hyperstrategy.com/ is already listed in http://dmoz.org/Business/Management/Consulting/H.


It looks like http://www.sec-nasd-regulations.com was submitted to a couple of other categories besides

http://dmoz.org/Business/Investing/Resources/ where it is also awaiting review.


http://www.unruhfab.com ,

http://www.bunk-cleaner.com , and

http://www.dumpandgo.com are all waiting in the categories you mentioned but since www.bunk-cleaner.com and www.dumpandgo.com are product-specific subsites of Unruh Fab Inc., I wouldn't be surprised if they were eventually rejected. You could say that they're all different products but in the end they're all truck-related things.


"since http://www.hyperstrategy.com/ is already listed in http://dmoz.org/Business/Management/Consulting/H"


No, it isn't in that category, or anywhere in the directory as far as I can tell.


Thanks for the other information.


"since www.bunk-cleaner.com and www.dumpandgo.com are product-specific subsites of Unruh Fab Inc., " That's true, but they are not truck-related products at all. They are completely different. I think the editors will approve these sites if they ever get around to them.




"I think the editors will approve these sites if they ever get around to them."


Erm, we are editors <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> and most posting here are pretty senior ones at that. If you get a reply saying that your site isn't eligible for listing then you can be pretty sure that it's not.


If a company has www.company.com and a load of product-specific subsites then the product-specific subsites are treated the same as deeplinks and don't get listed. This is independent of whether or not they're all to do with the same thing.


However, if www.company.com sells bedlinen and fresh fruit then the root URL might be eligible for listing in two categories. This would not be the case if it sold trucks and truck wheels, or similar closely related products categorised in the same branch of the directory.

In this case it looks like the public page was missed in the regeneration cycle. I went in and gave it a kick, and now the page is up to date. :-D
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