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I have tried to submit my site to the directory a couple of times over the past 8 months. I do believe it was rejected the first time which was probably due to my inexperience. My website is only small but it does provide reasonable content. I did not build the site to gain entry into dmoz and only became aware of the directory when submitting to other directories. The site as I said is not a big corperate site it started as a hobby.

Since my first submission I felt that I had made improvements to the site. Additionally, I took a more care in my application. The category I feel the most appropriate has no editor and only 12 sites. However, these site are owned by businesses much larger than my own. I cannot imagine that the site is being prevented from entry by an editor who happens to be a competitor because my site could not possibly be considered a threat?

I Have reviewed sites already listed in dmoz and my own submission, and I am baffled as to why it is not passing the application process. I recognise that the number of products listed is not as great as some sites but my links all work and I have tried to provide interesting information about the items I sell. Perhaps dmoz editors should be more supportive when reviewing site submissions. Not everyone who submits has IT experts or vast amounts of money to promote and optimise their site. I have chosen to omit links to my site not because I am ashamed of it but I do not wish people to think that I am trying to gain an advantage through the forum.:confused:

I understand that due to the voluntary nature of the directory that submissions can take time. However, this does create a problem for the owner of a site. Should they resubmit in the belief that a submission has been lost or overlooked in the bowels of the odp basement. If, someone is left waiting indefinitely without feedback then it is only natural to become concerned. This is when further applications are made and the applicant is then considered to be a spammer. I can submit to another category which is equally as relevant but do not wish to in case it is considered abuse of the submission guidelines. Additionally, while it may seem helpful to highlight the voluntary nature of the directory and chastise applicants who are unsuccessful for being disgruntled the editors must be aware of the odp's importance to small websites and business owners.

Your assumptions are the same as many who submit. But since in fact, DMOZ is a big black box into which you throw your site, and since we provide no status information, I'm not sure why you feel you can draw any conclusions about what might or might not have happened to your site.


If any one just has to makes an assumption about why their site does not appears in the directory - use this one "Your site has not yet been reviewed"


If you have submitted twice already, the chances of you submission having been lost is next to zero.


I have not been abusive when posting this thread rather it was a way of venting my frustration. However, your response shows what is wrong with odp. Instead of offering any form of support which undoubtedly you will say is not allowed you choose to deride the comments made by the person concerned and have the cheek to suggest that they may lack a sense of humour if they take your message the wrong way.

It is easy to preach from a pulpit but perhaps a lot harder to listen to concerns from people who have worked hard to develop something with little or no help.

  • Meta

I don't understand what your question is.

I'm not even sure you have a question.

Seems like you only wanted, as you wrote, "a way of venting my frustration".

We only told you this frustration is base on wrong assumptions you made about what DMOZ is and what it can do for your website.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

I have not been abusive when posting this thread rather it was a way of venting my frustration. However, your response shows what is wrong with odp. Instead of offering any form of support which undoubtedly you will say is not allowed you choose to deride the comments made by the person concerned and have the cheek to suggest that they may lack a sense of humour if they take your message the wrong way.


It is easy to preach from a pulpit but perhaps a lot harder to listen to concerns from people who have worked hard to develop something with little or no help.

Did we miss something? bobrat's post was actually quite civil. He wasn't derisive. He didn't say anything about you being abusive or lacking a sense of humour. Nor did I for that matter so I'm not sure who you're responding to.


[added: Ah, you're looking at his signature, where it says "Don't take offence w/ my replies - you just do not have the right sense of humour.", aren't you. That's just a signature, which by its very nature is appended to the bottom of every reply that bobrat makes. It's not a comment about you in particular so you shouldn't take it personally.]


Your initial post comes down to "Why isn't my site listed yet?" and bobrat's ""Your site has not yet been reviewed" response answers that (as do the FAQs I pointed you to).


I guess putting a caveat about my sense of humour, doesn't help with those who do not share my iconoclasm.

My signature has been amended.


Some days it seems futile posting anything here.

  • Meta
I think the sense of humor is too close to the conscience not to be irreparably damaged by the operation that turns human beings into marketers.
Hey guys perhaps I over reacted a bit when venting my frustration but I have put a lot of work into my website. I could have chose an easy option and opened an ebay shop but in a moment of madness I thought i would try to create something of value. I don't have any great technical skills but I have made an effort with the site. I understand that you must become equally frustrated by people questioning the submission processes but sometimes your responses appear to be less than helpful.
  • Meta

Perhaps you've been misinformed about the nature of the ODP. It's a group of volunteers who work together to help surfers.


Doesn't mean those same volunteers might go somewhere else to help homeless people or endangered animals or x-wing politicians or webmasters. It just means the ODP isn't the place where they go to do those things.


OK, you could, perhaps, have opened an eBay shop. That's OK: we can't tell you how to spend your time. But, and this is the important point, how you spend YOUR time is important to you, but perhaps to nobody else (unless you use it to GIVE them value!) Don't expect others to share your priorities.


Right now, a book in which I have the keenest interest is languishing at Project Gutenberg. Thousands of proofreaders are proofreading thousands of pages a day, completing a hundred or two books a month....and nobody has touched MY book in days.


That's life. And ... I've got another few thousand pages that someone else is waiting on me for. It all works out in the end.


Don't get frustrated about things you won't do yourself but want someone else to do. Be proud of what you've done for someone else; be thankful for what someone else has done for someone who might (for all they know) have been you. And you'll fit right into the collaborative volunteer part of the internet.

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