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Dmoz is somebody's SEO tools? I can not believe many search engines use Dmoz as their directory.

I think my website is good enough to join the Dmoz, but I am still waiting ~~~~one year? two years? forever?

  • Meta

Your personal website has much more content than the ODP? therefore, you think search engines should use it instead of the ODP?


You must discuss that with the search engines. The ODP license allows search engines (and anyone else!) to use whatever of the ODP they want -- we have no authority to stop them.

Nig82, If your website provides so much content why are waiting for Dmoz? Why would you even care? There are a lot of posters here that vent there frustration with Dmoz when it could all be avoided by just reading the guidelines.



Hutcheson, Sorry for my bad English. I mean ODP is good.

I said unfair because editors have too much power to judge site, and I guess most of editors joining in the Dmoz is for their website.

I think joining to become an editor to submit ones site could be anyone’s assumption (if that’s even possible) but I would like to think that there are good people out there that are simply interested in helping out and making a difference.
  • Meta

The ODP isn't about being fair, it's about being generous -- giving something away free.


Your complaint is a common one: the ODP was fair to you: it cost you nothing, and profited you nothing.


But that's OK. It's exactly what you've earned. And no editor has the power to take away anything you've ever earned. That's not much power, is it?

The ODP isn't about being fair, it's about being generous -- giving something away free.


Your complaint is a common one: the ODP was fair to you: it cost you nothing, and profited you nothing.


But that's OK. It's exactly what you've earned. And no editor has the power to take away anything you've ever earned. That's not much power, is it?

You are right, Maybe I should not complaint. I did not pay money for ODP, but I pay my trust and time.

  • Meta

The ODP doesn't work on that kind of reciprocal payment either. It works like this. You give something away. Then ... you give SOMETHING ELSE away. And while you're waiting for people to get around to using what you gave them, you ... start working on something else to give away.


Sometimes people aren't as quick as you'd like them to be. I'm not complaining today: someone else just went to a lot of work at Project Gutenberg to ... give me more work, building another book to ... give away. I've been waiting for months for someone to do that, and I had no clue it was about to happen. Of course, in the meantime I had other things to do.


That's the way distributed projects work. You never know when someone will build on your work; you never know when someone will give you something you didn't know enough to want. The trick is to give away enough that somewhere, someone is ALWAYS using or building on what you gave.


That's awesome! you must be a poet.

Human have bread... why they still want hamburger?

Human have car... why they still want plane?

Plane will save time, why not?


Actually, I can not understand all of you said, but I still appreciate it.

  • Editall

Power and time


ning82[/url]""]... editors have too much power to judge site
It isn't a question of editors having too much power. It is the simple fact that editors have too little time.
It isn't a question of editors having too much power. It is the simple fact that editors have too little time.

I will prove my words.

<URL Removed>

<URL Removed>

I can not believe this site can join in Dmoz and my site can't

  • Meta

If you want us to start reviewing sites by how important they are, I think you'll agree that all of the sites submitted to the Health categories should be reviewed before anything else. After all, if one doesn't have their health, the rest of the stuff really doesn't matter.


Oh, I forgot. We'll have to review all of the Health sites on the Internet, since some of the best and most important sites are never even submitted.

  • Meta

ning, we don't know that your site can't get listed. All we know is, it hasn't gotten listed yet. I don't even know if it is listable. But if it is listable, that makes it one of several million listable sites that haven't yet been reviewed.


Which ones will we review first? We'll guess which ones are most important. That usually happens in two steps. (1) We guess which category needs work most, and then (2) we guess how to find the best sites for that category.


So, if your category is already well-represented (even if you like your site better than some of the others), then it may be a long time before anyone even looks.


This is not a situation that occurs only in the ODP. I've had one book, very important to me, sitting in the Project Gutenberg queue for four months, and NOBODY has even reviewed a single page! Many books, much less important to me, have been started and finished in that time. But, you know, I CAN believe someone else could work on their choice of books rather than mine. It happens. And it's OK. All of my books will get through eventually, or I'll do them myself if I get too impatient. It's my choice.


Is the ODP any different? You want site promotion: you can wait for the ODP to give some accidental help, or you can start right now, doing your own site promotion. It really doesn't matter to anyone else which you do: it is your choice.


But ... if you wait, you don't know when someone else will think reviewing your site is the most important thing on the web. And we don't know who that will be -- except that it probably won't be Gloria.


It's a good thing we all have different interests.

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