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Re: Submission Status


Your site is not waiting in that category, as it got snagged by the spam filter. It is just waiting to be moved from a holding area to the category where you submitted it. I would not recommend resubmitting, as the date you submitted is retained and could actually help you if the queue (which is somewhat large at this point, around 100 sites) is sorted by date while being edited. There are enough sites waiting there that it is very unlikely it will make a difference that your site is not there at this moment. I would recommend that you just check back after a month in this same thread and do nothing at this point.


Re: Submission Status


Just to add a comment - we're not trying to imply that your site is spam. Our Spam filter is relatively new and still needs some fine-tuning - we are getting a lot of "False Positives". Just didn't want you to get concerned. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Re: Submission Status


I'm glad alucard pointed that out <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> ...very good point. The filter catches spam, but other sites get caught in the net <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> at any rate, your site is now waiting in the correct category. I was currently working on sites in the holding area I mentioned before I read your post, and I recognized your site when I moved it. While it may not get your site reviewed faster, it is in the category you submitted it to.

  • 5 weeks later...

Re: Submission Status




Just wondering if there was any further news on the state of submission on this site. i.e. if it was snagged by the spam filter? or if i need to re-submit?


Any more information would be greatly received.


Cheers Andi

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