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Hi guys,

I have some concerns about the submission of my site and the delay in response. I have submitted a number of times over the last 12 months, and whilst I do understand that the editors may have numerous sites to review and approve, I have a concern that either my site has not been accepted or the submissions have not been received.


Either way, I am yet to receive any form of response indicating that my submission has been unsuccesful or that it is still pending review. For those interested the site may be viewed here - http://www .egaragesales.com.au.


I am also concerned as I am the newly appointed owner as of 12 months ago as I purchased the site outright from the previous owner. Perhaps he had already submitted to dmoz and was unsuccessful? Is there any way of knowing or at least finding out where things are at.


I am eagerly wanting to have my site listed in dmoz - just need some thoughts or suggestions as to how I can successfully do so.


Lastly, its on this page that I have been trying to submit to.






To answer your questions, I'd have to dig out your website's editing records. As we say at the top of his forum, we no longer provide status checks here.


Since you say you've suggested it to an appropriate category, all you can do now is be patient :).

To answer your questions, I'd have to dig out your website's editing records. As we say at the top of his forum, we no longer provide status checks here.


Thanks Jim - yes I just finished reading that thread.


Since you say you've suggested it to an appropriate category, all you can do now is be patient :).


Thanks again Jim. Could I ask also, if the submission is unsucessful, should I receive some form of notification?



if the submission is unsucessful, should I receive some form of notification?


We've discussed this many times both here and internally and we believe it would serve no useful purpose. For a more detailed answer, check out some of the older threads on this topic.

  • Meta

Assume the suggestion has been successful.


But no, the editor won't discuss it with you if, after reviewing the site and all, he thinks it was on the whole an unhelpful suggestion.


Well I guess all I can do now is wait. With 40+ ads a week, 600 visitors daily and almost 900 members, I would hate to think that the site wouldnt be considered for submission.


Thanks for your help though guys - I appreciate it.



  • Meta

Well, obviously we can't see the visitors or members, so that won't be a consideration.


Number of ads is important, and would be compared to obvious alternative sources for the same material.

Well, obviously we can't see the visitors or members, so that won't be a consideration.


Hutcheson, the total member count is on the homepage [Members - 850] I would be willing to back this up by providing an administrative username and password to an editor for confirmation.


As for traffic, see below for a screen capture taken today.




Number of ads is important, and would be compared to obvious alternative sources for the same material.


I have been receiving approximately 30+ ads per week with some very positive and encouraging feedback which can be viewed here.




I can also offer a test account if you would like to log in and take a look at some of our members features.





The editor that eventually reviews your site is highly unlikely to see this post. There are several thousands of editors, and probably less than 50 that post in this forum.


I would advise, however, that repeated suggestion of the site is counter-productive. It might be good to review what http://www.dmoz.org/add.html says about that.

The editor that eventually reviews your site is highly unlikely to see this post. There are several thousands of editors, and probably less than 50 that post in this forum.


I would advise, however, that repeated suggestion of the site is counter-productive. It might be good to review what http://www.dmoz.org/add.html says about that.


Sure I understand. I havent resubmitted in quite some time. Im not quite sure what to do from here. Its frustrating as one of my direct competitors is listed, and yet I regularly have more advertisements, as well as member features and articles.


Oh well - Im beginning to feel a little dissapointed, but I guess theres nothing I can do from here except wait.



  • Meta

>Its frustrating as one of my direct competitors is listed, and yet I regularly have more advertisements, as well as member features and articles.


We hear this a lot. But ... how else could reality be?


We do not review all possible sites, then select the best one to list first. That would be an absolutely stone-cold insane approach. And yet, on any other approach, obviously some smaller sites will be reviewed (and listed, because they are "good enough") before some larger sites are reviewed.


That's life. I personally am impressed that classified ad sites EVER get reviewed. A less entertaining and productive activity I can hardly imagine. It's a good thing we all have different priorities, eh?

That's life. I personally am impressed that classified ad sites EVER get reviewed. A less entertaining and productive activity I can hardly imagine. It's a good thing we all have different priorities, eh?


How is my site a "classifieds ad" site? It isn't. If you're referring to my category selection, I had no other choice but to choose this as a category as there are simply no "garage sale" sections or categories to choose from that are more suitable.


In all honesty, it doesn't fit the category - however every other garage sale related site that has been accepted, is listed within the classifieds section.


Your comment is completely illogical and somewhat rude. Keep in mind, I have invested over 2 years and a substantial amount of money towards this project, which I believe has great potential.


To be spoken to in such condescending terms as just a "classifieds" site is quite rude ......eh?



  • Meta

You're right, I shouldn't have called your site a classified ads site. Maybe, as you say, it has the potential to grow big enough to NEED classification for its ads. If you are right, and it ever grows up that much, THEN it'll be a classified ads site. If you ever want to learn something about classifying things, you're welcome to study the ODP taxonomy.


As for the amount money spent on a site ... it isn't an issue. Ever. That money is lost, and it isn't coming back. So forget it already: we have.

  • Meta

I should perhaps mention that:


(1) There are lots of people who aren't comfortable dealing with any kind of applied set theory, even informal taxonomies or logic: it is not a moral failing, and in some jobs it's not even a disqualification. Don't worry about it.


(2) When you're starting a new site of a type (such as classified ads) that is so widely available already, I'm sure it's necessary to focus on a VERY small niche, limited to what you CAN do, then add categories only when you are able to create unique content to fill them. So many people don't figure that out. They see how absolutely trivial it is to create a classified-ads site, and they don't think of where they are going to get content. That is invariably a fatal mistake. A single-category ad site, beefed up to a few hundred ads and carefully maintained, might conceivably be of some use to someone. But twice the number of ads spread over a hundred CATEGORIES would be considerably worse than a mere total waste of money.


It's the same principle as a new ODP editor focusing on a small geographic category in order to make a visible difference there; or an e-book editor focusing on a particular topic, in order to make a difference, or a retired president choosing one particular charity to support, or a scientist choosing an area of specialization. There's nothing shameful about it, nothing at all.

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