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I applied to edit this section on April 11th. Site: Regional: North America: United States: Virginia: Localities: S: Stafford: Business and Economy: Real Estate (20)


My display name is "stealth" and my user name is "relichunter".


I wanted to clarify my application in regards to affiliated web sites. I am associated with http://www.michaellennon.lnfre.com and



On both of these sites, I submit my professional business contact information, professional designations, and current real estate listings info. These sites are for the use of my clients and to attract new clients. I do not have any control over the design, format, or overall content of these sites and pay a yearly fee to belong to the homesdatabase site.


I did not list these sites on my application because I don't have any control over them. In order to clarify and hopefully prevent my app. from getting rejected due to these sites, I was hoping this thread could be pointed to my app. in order to assist the reviewer.


Would these sites cause a problem on my app and if so can this thread help? I know that the waiting period to check status is at least 2 weeks and hope this info will help.


Thank you for your consideration

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