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Hello Sir/Madam,


I submitted my site appox 4-5 months back, but I am yet to get any reponse from dmoz and I don't find my site yet listed on dmoz.


If they have rejected my site coz it wasn't developed so well in the initial start period, should I go ahead and submit it again now?


Also, if there can be any process by which I can know have my site been rejected in the past so that I can submit it again?


I had submitted my site to Home: Consumer Information: Electronics. But I can't find it yet listed.


I would request you to plz help me.

I submitted my site appox 4-5 months back, but I am yet to get any reponse from dmoz and I don't find my site yet listed on dmoz.

Please click on the FAQ link at the top of the page to answer these questions. Reviews can take anywhere from 10 min to 3 years.


If they have rejected my site coz it wasn't developed so well in the initial start period' date=' should I go ahead and submit it again now?[/quote']

If you feel that the site has dramatically changed since the time you suggeted it, go ahead and suggest it again to the exact same category as the first time. But only once please.


Also, if there can be any process by which I can know have my site been rejected in the past so that I can submit it again?

Sorry, we no longer do status checks in this forum anymore. You can see more details on that in the announcement section. :)


Many Submittals - No Response!


Hmmm.. I have submitted my site several times in the past two years and have heard NOTHING! I am not sure where to go from here. I have original content and a reputable service to provide - I would love to at least get some critisim so I could correct my mistakes! But - nothing - just silence! PLS advise.

  • Meta

greenjenny, you might also want to read the FAQ -- I'd also recommend posts 6, 7 and 8 in this thread to get a bit more insight in why editors don't give feedback on rejected sites.


Please don't suggest your site again, if you've already done it several times. Suggesting it again will not make a review happen faster, and it could delay it significantly. A site suggestion doesn't go away until an editor reviews it. Thanks! :moz:

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

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