aspectart Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I have read other threads concerning people submitting a site but never having it published, and it seems that I have a similar problem. I am submitting my site to a relatively small category with 49 websites listed. My line of business is very specialised and so matches this category perfectly, but no other. I submitted my site almost 2 years ago and have heard nothing. Infact the category doesn't seem to have been updated at all in that time - although there is a note "last updated 26th April 2006"... not sure if that's the website's update or the category's update though. I have applied to become an editor, and heard nothing... then as no-one replied to my website submission, or my request to become an editor, I sent a complaint email. The reason for the complaint was that although the category was small, a large proportion of the websites listed were unsuitable... around 20 of them were either dead links, sites under construction, sites that employed word spamming techniques, or sites that were just terrible quality and looked like they hadn't been updated this century. Nothing was ever heard back. Of course I normally wouldn't care too much, but the trouble is the OD project has made itself very important for websites. As an example Google views sites listed here very favourably, and therefore there is a general feeling that to not be listed is to be "missing out". My category has an editor... but they're clearly not doing anything, and because of that, good websites (not just mine but plenty of others within my small industry) are not listed... but bad ones are! All I've seen the moderators reply is "Stop submitting your site"... but that doesn't actually help matters. I'm really enthusiastic about the industry I'm in, I'd love to create a great directory for people to use with links to good sites... but instead all I'm left with is an editor who doesn't do anything, and the project volunteers who don't seem to care. The Open Directory is really important and powerful as I said, and with this should come responsiblity to make it quality and not just quantity... What can I do to help mine, and other good sites in my category get listed?
Meta hutcheson Posted May 9, 2006 Meta Posted May 9, 2006 The Open Directory doesn't offer a listing service for websites -- which confuses lots of people, because the so-called directories they are familiar with are more like classified ads services for websites. And ... the pages look very similar, categories and site title and link and description and all. But the ODP is driven by (perceived) demand for information, not (perceived) demand for promotion. So even when it does the same thing as, say, Looksmart, it's being done for a completely different reason (like a pharmacist and an assassin both keep stocks of toxins, sometimes even the SAME toxins -- but they use them for completely different purposes.) What you are looking for is more like what Looksmart offers. (And other promotional services abound.) Check them out.
Meta nea Posted May 9, 2006 Meta Posted May 9, 2006 There are a few different issues here, and I'll address them separately. Regarding your website submission, there isn't really anything I can say other than what you've read in other threads. Editors are volunteers, work where they want to when they want to do it (in the categories where they have editing rights). Nobody can make an editor edit in a category where they don't want to work. Regarding your editor application: you said you heard nothing -- does that mean you didn't receive and reply to the confirmation email immediately after applying? If you didn't, the application never made it to the eyes of those who review them. If you did do it and haven't heard anything since, you are welcome to ask about the status of your application in the designated forum here at RZ (the Becoming an Editor one), provided it's been more than two weeks since you applied. Yes, it can take unnecessarily long for editor applications to be reviewed -- again, this is done by volunteers in their free time. No response to your email -- email sent to or to editors often don't receive a response, for different reasons. (In the case of editors, they are encouraged not to reply to email from people who have suggested sites). Bad sites listed in the category: that is a problem indeed. There is a thread in the Quality Control Feedback for reporting such links; it is also possible to use the "Update listing" link on the category page. I hope this helped somewhat. I bet other people have replied while I was slowly typing this answer Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
aspectart Posted May 9, 2006 Author Posted May 9, 2006 Thanks for both your quick replies. I'll have a look at the information you gave. Thanks again
timamie261 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Email Responses I have submitted my site 3 times in 10 months, because I never received an email at all each time. I was on the phone with Networksolutions Marketing during the first two submissions and never got an email. They could not shed any light on this matter and were as frustrated as I was on this matter. I just resubmitted again yesterday, this time making it a 3rd time, and once again I did not get an email back from your site. I did get the email concerning this forum today. Had it not been for another dmoz listed site, I would have never known about this forum. This forum is not too easy to find, so I made a search for 'dmoz forum' and I found it. I never had a problem like this before and I have helped others submit sites to dmoz as well over the years. I currently have Dmoz links on six pages of my site; in the recent disapointment, I pulled Dmoz from the front page of my site. <urls removed> The advertisers on my site have Dmoz listings and the category I have applied for fits the site. My site would be the 32nd entry. I called AOL and Netscape and feel like I am SOL. Please shed some light on this matter. Tim Amie <url removed>
Meta nea Posted May 9, 2006 Meta Posted May 9, 2006 I have submitted my site 3 times in 10 months, because I never received an email at all each time. I'm sorry you were under the misapprehension that you were supposed to receive an confirmation email. I'm not sure why you would have thought so, however -- you get a confirmation screen when you have successfully suggested a site to the ODP, and I'm absolutely certain that it doesn't say anywhere that you're supposed to also receive an email. May I ask you to please read the frequently asked questions about suggesting a site? If you still have questions afterwards, please come back and ask them, but it's always nice not having to reply to the stuff that's actually in the FAQ Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
Meta pvgool Posted May 9, 2006 Meta Posted May 9, 2006 I have submitted my site 3 times in 10 months, because I never received an email at all each time. We never send email when a site is suggested. We also never send email when a site is reviewed, when it is listed or when it is rejected. I just resubmitted again yesterday, this time making it a 3rd time, and once again I did not get an email back from your site. Seem to me that with 3 suggestions in 10 months you have done all (if not more) than you could do. Now you just have to wait until the site is reviewed. We can not predict when this will happen. Could be tomorrow, could be in 5 years or any time in between. We just don't know. I currently have Dmoz links on six pages of my site; in the recent disapointment, I pulled Dmoz from the front page of my site. We don't ask anybody to put a link to DMOZ on their site. And such a link doesn't have any influence on the review proces. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
timamie261 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Please not to correct you in this matter, I hate to be stink weed. We don't ask anybody to put a link to DMOZ on their site. And such a link doesn't have any influence on the review proces. How to Link to the ODP Show your support by linking to us from your site [/Quote] Dmoz even provides code for this link I have always shown my support of Dmoz and always considered a link back to Dmoz the least I could do for the listing of my site. Even if it were not asked of me. And would never try to influence, payoff or bribe on the review process. I would not even know where to start as I dont even know who the editor is. I gave up animal sacrifices in the early dinosaur years as well. I have also upset all the greek gods as welland could not talk myself out of a speeding ticket if my life depened on it. So there is no one to bribe, influence or payoff on my list. I am looking for some one to pay off all my creditcards and pick up my bills so I can retire. 2nd Could be tomorrow, could be in 5 years or any time in between. We just don't know.[/Quote] The 5 years seems a little extream unless this post has really bothered you in some way as well. Including the fact that you seem to think I am tring to get some special favor by giving Dmoz link. So please do not miss-understand me and my posting here
timamie261 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I'm sorry you were under the misapprehension that you were supposed to receive an confirmation email. I'm not sure why you would have thought so, however -- you get a confirmation screen when you have successfully suggested a site to the ODP, and I'm absolutely certain that it doesn't say anywhere that you're supposed to also receive an email. May I ask you to please read the frequently asked questions about suggesting a site? If you still have questions afterwards, please come back and ask them, but it's always nice not having to reply to the stuff that's actually in the FAQ Years ago when mindspring had just come out, BBS were booming, US Robotics HST/V32 DS was the catz meow, and broadband was just a dream Dmoz did send emails then. I wish I had my old winblows 286 machine I use to keep all my emails in my netscape folder I had one for Dmoz, yahoo, altavista, dopile, and many others when they use to be free and all the listings I submited for web sites I use to build for people using notepad as an editor. I still use Note pad and now Note Pad II I now track all my submissions, CPC, sales people in an excell spread sheet makes for easier work. This way I can space my submissions out so as not to spamdex search engines. I used to host all the sites on Localnet and Amhosting hosting services when they first came out and I use to write non-proffit sites for clubs, childrens sites that have all since long come and gone. I have written this site as a family oriented site, so father, mother and daughter & son can find that special car or project car to work on. I do not have a guest book, or forums as the content can not be controlled on these and they serve as nothing more then trouble for me to deal with. We also made our site secure for registration and ad placement even though we dont take payments at the site and we use a third party company. We did not do this because we had to we did it to insure any and all information placed by adults and children were protected. One question for both of you is anyone in US even helping you run Dmoz, I mean I got a reply from editors in Uppsala, Sweden and the Nederlands. Why hasent an american replied to this matter as well. Is there even an editor for this category I selected.
motsa Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 The 5 years seems a little extream unless this post has really bothered you in some way as well. Including the fact that you seem to think I am tring to get some special favor by giving Dmoz link.His mentioning of "5 years" is just a timeframe pulled out of his hat -- it doesn't mean it will take 5 years but, since we can't give a status check and we have no idea when (or even if) your site suggestion will be reviewed, it could well. It's not punishment. Years ago when mindspring had just come out, BBS were booming, US Robotics HST/V32 DS was the catz meow, and broadband was just a dream Dmoz did send emails then. We never sent automatic emails. Perhaps some editors manually sent emails but that happens rarely now as too much harassment of editors has resulted from doing so. One question for both of you is anyone in US even helping you run Dmoz, I mean I got a reply from editors in Uppsala, Sweden and the Nederlands. Why hasent an american replied to this matter as well. Is there even an editor for this category I selected. What does where they are from have anything to do with your query? The category you want to be listed in isn't just for American sites nor is the directory itself just for Americans. Unless you have a prejudice of some kind against non-Americans, I can't see that the nationality of the editor responding to your posts here has anything to do with anything.
Meta hutcheson Posted May 10, 2006 Meta Posted May 10, 2006 The ODP was started by Americans -- unlike, say, Google (Russian), Linux (Finn) or Microsoft (demons from the pit). The first step downhill was doubtless when they started letting WOMEN edit. After that, it was all downhill -- so that we never noticed all those Swedes slipping in. It looks bad now, but what can you do? I'm sure the Osage tribe feels the same way about Texas.
timamie261 Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 What does where they are from have anything to do with your query? The category you want to be listed in isn't just for American sites nor is the directory itself just for Americans. Unless you have a prejudice of some kind against non-Americans, I can't see that the nationality of the editor responding to your posts here has anything to do with anything. No I am not prejudice, I just expected more people to be involved and maybe this is why it takes so long to get listed. I have been looking over the forum, and it does not appear to have alot of American locations, I was hoping that a directory as large as this has gotten would be buzzing like bees. I am glade it went global, I am just afraid that is might be getting dumped in peoples laps and left to every one else. I was a Zeal Editor, and was donating my time along until look smart pulled the site I never listed my automotive site even thought I could have. This would not have been right. I think what angered me the most was I did not even end up with a WISENut listing or Looksmart listing and I played the honest guy. I blew up at Looksmart over the phone 3 weeks ago after coming in from offshore and finding sites getting natural listings that I know were never in Zeal or the WISENut directory. My site does not even get one some pay back! So please excuse me if I sound a little cynical. Then after reading an eye full on Dmoz today this is what prompted my questions. I started to worry after reading this. <-- Does this really go on I can not begin to understand how all this bad came about. Then I see this in my logs then what really worries me is I find this in my log Netcraft 6 0 09 May 2006 - 19:15 I have now added this to my robots.txt User-agent: Netcraft Disallow:/ This is a site that builds blacklisting tool bars and provides them to users and prevents users from even going to my website. This a little on the site. Netcraft launched an anti-phishing system at the start of 2005: people install a toolbar and effectively become part of a giant neighbourhood watch system whereby the most experienced members of the community can report phishing sites and effectively block them for the rest of the community. Some 32,000 unique phishing sites have been detected and blocked to date [late November 2005] and the community has been widely featured in the media from the Washington Post & Wall St. Journal through to Slashdot.
timamie261 Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 The ODP was started by Americans -- unlike, say, Google (Russian), Linux (Finn) or Microsoft (demons from the pit). The first step downhill was doubtless when they started letting WOMEN edit. After that, it was all downhill -- so that we never noticed all those Swedes slipping in. It looks bad now, but what can you do? I'm sure the Osage tribe feels the same way about Texas. I am not bashing any one I came here for answers, and some of our best sales people are women. It is time every one face the fact that women in and they are in to stay. I have 35 sales people and over half of them are work at home moms taking care of the kids tring to make some sence of this broken economy. Four of them are great sales people, I keep the others for the E for effort they bring in a few sales and I am not going to down them for the already hard job of taking care of the kids. I could not do it I am a commercial diver and old html writer. I have already resided to the fact that I am going to die in the oilfield leaving my wife and kids to fend for them selves. With the economy the way it is I will be working to the day I die anyway Divers dont get health insurance. I pay everything out of pocket. I have been resuscitated 4 times and had 7 close calls, it was a female DMT that performed CPR on me so my wife would not be left behind one of those times. We have female commercial divers in the Gulf of Mexico, I am kinda glad to see them. If I cant make the site make money I will make the whole site free and put it on a UK hosting company for about 50 quid and drop the paid listings.
motsa Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 No I am not prejudice, I just expected more people to be involved and maybe this is why it takes so long to get listed. I have been looking over the forum, and it does not appear to have alot of American locations, I was hoping that a directory as large as this has gotten would be buzzing like bees. Only a tiny subset of editors ever comes near this forum.
timamie261 Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Nice cat, I saw your profile as well, your an editor as well. You know I wish the wizard of oz was really real and you were glenda the good witch. Then you could wave your magic wond and make all my sons medical problems go away, get me out of the oil feild so I could spend time with the wife and kids. The truth is your an editor your self, you cant make my wish come true. I will have to beleive what I read because I see it in the eyes of people every day telling me "safety first" as they light a blunt next to a live well with 9000 psi of head pressure and get high. Oh yeh that happens just the week before look it up Settoon Construction They all smoke, well in a nut shell they poked a hole in a production barge with a jackhammer at sea and proceeded to take a torch to the hole, two memebers of my crew I have wroked with before got blown across the deck an 6 were very badley burned. They never even checked the hole for explosive gasses. 6 rescued after platform explosion New Orleans Times-Picayune - Apr 18 11:28 PM Six construction workers employed by an Assumption Parish company have been sent to Gulf Coast hospitals after the platform they were on in Breton Sound exploded Tuesday, a Coast Guard spokesman said. Save to My Web 6 injured in oil platform explosion New Kerala - Apr 18 9:44 PM NEW ORLEANS: An explosion Tuesday injured six construction workers on an oil platform about 45 miles southeast of New Orleans, a report said. Save to My Web What they did not mention was the dive crew that was in the water and on deck durring this explosion. This type of stuff goes on every day I can list all kinds of stuff like this I truley want to get out of my feild, it is what I am trained for and what I know best and what I have done for 26 years. I also wrote a pretty good web site <url removed> and just maybe with enough time and money I can make it work. I cant tap my heels together and make my listing come true and make all this go away. It is easy to point at the text at Dmoz it is also easy to know the difference from the past to now. Before in the early days Dmoz listings took about 5 days at the most, and I did get an email I guess the editor sent it. I do not have it in front of me nowto prove it to you or I would post the letter here. I can see what is happening now as far as complaints and listings and coments on the search engines. I am very sure you are truley one of the good ones trying to make a difference. I beleived Looksmart, Google, and Excite when they told me CPC would raise my ranks. They lied and they took money I work very hard for. I would like to see some proof that the negitve is not true about Dmoz. Just some glimmer if that Dmoz is the good guys and not something other then whats posted. Because before I ever submitted to Dmoz I put the logo up there because I beleived in it as well.
Meta Eric-the-Bun Posted May 11, 2006 Meta Posted May 11, 2006 The ODP was formed because it was difficult to find resources in the search engines since the spam in the search engine results made quality sites hard to find. The content of the ODP is made up of the results of the efforts of all the editors over the years working in the areas that interest them at a pace they can fit in with real-life commitments. When a listable site is actually listed depends on when an editor feels that the resource provided by the ODP (ie listings) in an area needs improving and goes to that area to edit. The editors are drawn from surfers (also the intended audience) who, by ignoring outside pressures, maintain the ODP's independence (though there will always be the occasional bad apple that needs removing). The ODP is resource-orientated and not geared or intended to be a listing service. One indicator of whether the ODP is meeting its original ideals is whether the ODP is listing sites which were never suggested - which it does. The service we provide is to the surfers by listing quality websites - particularly those that are hard to find, (often because the webmaster is interested in content and knows nothing about SEO). Unfortunately the viewpoint of businesses is, understandably, that the main use of the ODP is to promote their business. As a result the commercial categories receive huge amounts of suggestions. Given that anyone can now set up a shopping site easily, you can imagine the sheer volume we get, many of which are 'clones' and not listable. Most of the complaints are from 'businesses' whose view of the ODP is merely based on whether they are listed or not. In fact the most vocal and deceptive of our critics argue that the ODP is failing as it is not a listing service for their 'pay-per-click' advertment ridden, contentless sites. They ignore the fact that the original aim of the ODP was implicitly to exclude these sites. So in fact these complaints are proof positive that we are still true to the original aims. I am afraid that your situation is not all that uncommon as the amount of spam suggestions in commercial areas increases the length of wait before listing. As a specialist site, there is the chance that an editor in that speciality may come across your site independantly and list it themselves. Editors cannot be seen to disadvantage other sites through giving preferential treatment to one particular site. We have to look at things from a distance - 'if I do something special for one site/webmaster, I need to do it for all similar sites/webmasters otherwise it will be unfair'). There are millions of sites out there (with many more million's of people's livelihoods dependant on them), each with their own story, that might be more successful were they to be listed. There are regular pushes internally to improve the resouces for particular areas (eg third-world countries, particular diseases/disabilities, disasters etc) initiated by editors hoping to make a difference. Me - well, I know I make a diference through being in the ODP, but it's not earth-shattering, its merely helping other people interested in my hobby find useful web sites. regards Though I am a volunteer editor, my opinions do not constitute an official Curlie statement. :o I reserve the right to be human and make mistakes. :o Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.
timamie261 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 I see that you like cats as well, and that you have a very nice site as well. Please keep in mind this is not an attack, you look like a nice guy and very happy life must be treating you good over seas, when I was over there the people were very freindly and I actuly hated idea of having to return to the U.S work visa expired job over and all. Stories start somewere how ever factual they are or not. Maybe thats why I dont get along with many people I always quote findings and facts. I am saying in short that this does not seem to be the same Dmoz any more that I knew along time ago, and that there seems to be alot scams going on. Also what concerns me is the postings I have read about Dmoz. I like Dmoz because it was the one directory that does not permit adult content and maintained a set of values. This is why I have supported it on the sites I build for people, and on my own site as well. Now the internet seems to be one big con game and every one has one! I spent the better part of the morning kicking CYVEILLANCE.COM off my servers today for abuse of our site. They flat out ignore the Robots.txt exclusion rules even funnier they found away around our .htaccess file. After contacting and they quickly came around and excluded our site from the spiders and robots. I will see how long this will last, as I do not trust agencies who employ the deniable plausibility standards. And yes I do believe this company is secretly employed as a contractor by the US Government Agencies. I know how these people work very well. I know lots of those 3 letter acronyms I do beleive the posts on the internet about this company because I have seen actions of the robots and spider on our servers. I have also heard the voice of the people I talked to about this problem on there phone Proof of intent. | | |<-- spider they came in on this ip today This is a list of Ip’s I blacklisted belonging to CYVEILLANCE yesterday <-- spider <-- spider <-- office people surfing to our site Confirmed when user could see our site today. <-- spider <-- spider <-- spider <-- spider I see even the scum get listed on Dmoz Cyveillance - Says it is reasonable to assume this company assists the US Government to help discredit a site about bankruptcy court corruption. -- Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms: Cyveillance (3) Cyveillance Exposed - Alleges use of unethical methods to monitor sites and gain unauthorized access to servers. -- Society: Issues: Business: Allegedly Unethical Firms: Cyveillance (3) Cyveillance - Provider of internet business competitive intelligence market research services. -- Business: Business Services: Consulting: Research Services (1) here is a letter to the CYVEILLANCE from there ISP forwarded to me -----Original Message----- From: Cogent Help Desk [] Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:03 AM To: Pete Nappi; CyIT Cc: Subject: #HD0000000419541-Abuse; Cust; CYVEILLANCE: Port Scans/Hack From IP Dear Cyveillance, Cogent Communications Inc. Abuse Team has received a complaint about systems associated with your IP address conducting scanning/hacking NT known exploits, port scanning and/or spidering of another network. As a Cogent Communications customer you are expected to adhere our Acceptable Use Policies. Here is a summary of our AUP. To read in its entirety go to : This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all persons and entities (collectively, "customers") using the products and services of Cogent Communications, Inc., ("Cogent") including Internet service. The policy is designed to protect the security, integrity, reliability, and privacy of both the Cogent network and the products and services Cogent offers to its customers. Cogent reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, effective immediately upon posting of the modification. Your use of Cogent's products and services constitutes your acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy in effect at the time of your use. You are solely responsible for any and all acts and omissions that occur during or relating to your use of the service, and you agree not to engage in any unacceptable use of the service. An inserted copy of the type of complaint we received is being provided. Please respond with your plan of action. Your response is expected within 72 hours of this notice. Thank you, Raj Cogent Communications, Inc. Abuse Team In short they got caught with there pants down. I am sure that they will not let "getting caught again" happen again. Although I was taught by some of the same best of the best so I know I will catch them again it is just a matter of time. I guess what I am saying is that Netscape Communications AKA AOL/Timewarner should work on removing the Dmoz hate sites if the information is unfounded. There are lots of Cyveillance hates sites why dont they get rid of them in courts as well if they are unfounded. I can tell you that facts I have posted on Cyveillance are fact and this is information that is very current in my logs as well [Thu May 11 09:03:16 2006] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/tjamie2/public_html/favicon.ico [Thu May 11 09:03:16 2006] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/tjamie2/public_html/images/403.gif [Thu May 11 09:03:13 2006] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/tjamie2/public_html/images/MVC-004F.JPG [Thu May 11 09:03:13 2006] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/tjamie2/public_html There own people said they do not have to obey the .htaccess and robot rules because scamers use the .htaccess and robots.txt file to negate security. Must be Homeland Security. So if scamers like the ones above get listings I should be able to get one listings if not just for the information on my scam page. Bad sites get listings while good sites go un-noticed over looked. I have proven that Cyveillance is what it is just from my site logs form the past two days. So all I want is some proof that what I have read is not true when it comes to Dmoz, and Dmoz has not become some sham with a few good editors beating there heads against the wall trying to make a differnce. I guess dirt is better to list, and more interesting So how long did it take for you to get the two listings in Dmoz for your site? I have never abused a directory, even though WISENut or Zeal never listed my site and I gave them time as an editor, oh I was told by some go ahead list it you wont get caught. I am the kind of person that if I attempted to pick up a peanut of a floor and eat it, I would get charged for theft. I could probably get charged for riding a bike to fast. So I dont take chances, I just dont have the luck
jimnoble Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 I can partially answer the question. First of all, it's eligible for both a Topical listing and a Regional listing. It was suggested to Regional/../Bognor Regis on May/18/2005 and I listed it there on May/20/2005. I actively edit that regional area and that sort of response time to listing suggestions is typical there (though I must have been away for a coupla days ). Several months later, Eric-the-Bun became an editor.
Meta nea Posted May 11, 2006 Meta Posted May 11, 2006 To clarify the "listing your own site" issue: * If you are an editor in a category where your own site should not be listed, and you list it there, you are abusing the directory. * If you are an editor in a category where your own site should be listed, and you do not list it there, you are -- well, I wouldn't call it abuse, but you are not being an optimal editor. The rule when it comes to a site one is affiliated with is to treat it exactly like you would treat any other site. (With one exception -- you're not allowed to designate your own site as a "cool site", but that's not really relevant here). Anything else just wouldn't make sense. Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
timamie261 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 To clarify the "listing your own site" issue: * If you are an editor in a category where your own site should not be listed, and you list it there, you are abusing the directory. * If you are an editor in a category where your own site should be listed, and you do not list it there, you are -- well, I wouldn't call it abuse, but you are not being an optimal editor. The rule when it comes to a site one is affiliated with is to treat it exactly like you would treat any other site. (With one exception -- you're not allowed to designate your own site as a "cool site", but that's not really relevant here). Anything else just wouldn't make sense. 1st I like you avitar I rember it from some where, thats right it took me a while to get that image I want to have it as animated desk top icon. I was always told if you were the owner or affiliated with the site you would be in violation of the rules posting the site. In the Dmoz rules becoming an editor should not influence the listing of your site and this should not be a reason to become an editor either. So I should not even consider becoming an editor untill my site is sorted out as I would not want any scandlous fingers pointing at me. I would work towards an editor again and being honest I do not think I could give it the time it needs. I am on standby to go back off shore again. This is what I am trying to end the offshore thing. I spend what little time I have with my three boys. irrelivent material removed
Meta Eric-the-Bun Posted May 11, 2006 Meta Posted May 11, 2006 At times life sucks. I am saying in short that this does not seem to be the same Dmoz any more that I knew along time ago, Well it has got a lot bigger which means more maintenance. Today I logged on and found that the automatic link checker (Robozilla) had run and identified over 50 bad links in the area I can edit. This means that for each one, we have to search to see if the sites have moved and try to relist them, though in doing so we often find other useful sites to add. Quality is very much more of an issue than 5 years ago and old descriptions have to be brought up to date and improved. Looking at my edit count, about 75% are maintenance related. Similarly the volume of submissions have grown as well as the number of 'scams' we have to try to avoid. The net result is that certain areas are 'bogged down' with things moving forward slowly. However overall we add around 20,000 listings each month. What has not changed is the 'hobbyist' aspect of the ODP. There are large numbers of people joining to improve the categories on their favourite topic, be it a band, a movie, football club or whatever. Some editors stay with the one category and leave once they feel they've done enough, others go on to become more involved. We have had abusive editors (and no doubt always will) but when found out they are instantly sacked. Most editors feel that any editor abusing their position devalues the work that we do and are very keen to prevent abuse. and that there seems to be a lot scams going on. Before applying to join the ODP, I did an investigation on my own account and followed dozens of 'leads' of anti-DMOZ threads years back to 1999. I found no one who put forward a believable account of DMOZ wrong-doing and ended up being surprised to find that an organisation with some 50,000+ ex-editors had so few who claimed a bad experience. In fact it was my perception of the quality of the people inside the ODP compared to that of the detractors outside that convinced me that joining would be worthwhile. From my own personal viewpoint, the concerns raised elsewhere really show a poor understanding of the ODP and the internet as a whole. Most of the external discussions seem based on the assumption that if you repeat something often enough (and in different forums under different names) and claim to speak for the 'webmaster community',' it becomes somehow true. Most editors joining DMOZ are aware of the concerns of people outside that editors might favour their own sites and our biggest problem is convincing people that the main reason they are not listed is the volume of work. How long did it take for you to get the to listings in Dmoz below A fair question. I submitted my site in May 2005 to the two categories (one topical and one regional) and the regional one was listed quickly. (At the same time I suggested 20+ other sites to do with my hobby as I felt the ODP was missing out). I became an editor in September 2005 to a different category and was promoted some months later such that I could edit in the topical category I had suggested my site to. I listed the other (shorter) entry in Jan 2006 after I had added every other listable site waiting in unreviewed in that category. To put that in perspective some of the listings I was adding had been waiting for nearly 3 years but I found and added a large proportion myself (i.e. no waiting time). Many editors feel it is 'bad' to add your own site to a category until you have made sure that all sites already waiting in unreviewed are handled first and that any sites that could be seen as a 'competitor' are also added, whether suggested or not. One of my first actions on being able to edit in that category was to review my 'competitor', find that their site did not meet guidelines (broken links) and email them to let them know why so that they could fix them. As soon as they let me know they were fixed, I listed them. There is nothing wrong in adding your own site to a category you edit but the onus is on you to be sure that the rest of the sites suggested to and listed in that category are treated fairly. regards Though I am a volunteer editor, my opinions do not constitute an official Curlie statement. :o I reserve the right to be human and make mistakes. :o Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.
timamie261 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 I dont even know if there is an Editor for the category I Suggested too, and this was a concern as well. I have watched this category and there has been no new anything to it! same listings then same now. 10 months no activity. Well after the above comment I can say I may have just pissed them off if there is and editor and they has read this post
Meta Eric-the-Bun Posted May 11, 2006 Meta Posted May 11, 2006 Unfortunately with the large number of categories, most do not have a specific editor. The editors from higher categories look after the lower categories which means longer waits. Well after the above comment I can say I may have just pissed them off if there is and editor and they has read this post No way. The editor who reviews your site will probably not have seen your post and we understand the frustrations that a long wait causes. You have politely told us your concerns and we have tried to answer them. The important thing is that you have done all you can by suggesting your site to the ODP and all you can now do is to wait. regards Though I am a volunteer editor, my opinions do not constitute an official Curlie statement. :o I reserve the right to be human and make mistakes. :o Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.
timamie261 Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 I found another interesting site owned by an editor, Bobrat looks No question 2 no question 7 Your site is loading a little slow as well you might want to set some sandtraps for bad bots and rude spiders, this might be the root of slowness
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