venusblau Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Hello, my site is listed at dmoz, but as I changed the whole content, the description is totally incorrect. I have written twice to the editor, but nothing has happened. I would like to have my page completely removed from dmoz - I have also written this to the Editor. But since I don't get any reaction, I don't know what to do. ! It must be possible to have my site completely removed, if I don't want it to be listed. So, if you can help me, please remove "" in the category World: Deutsch: Gesellschaft: Menschen: Persönliche Homepages: C Thank you conny
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted May 9, 2006 Editall/Catmv Posted May 9, 2006 If you haven't done so already, click the "Eintrag aktualisieren" link in that category, and request the deletion/move. If your site doesn't match the category, we want to know about it. (I don't understand German enough to comment on whether the site fits the category.)
venusblau Posted May 10, 2006 Author Posted May 10, 2006 Hello, I have done so twice and asked for deletion, but nothing happens. I think there is no editor for this category, so I wonder if my requests are even read. The site fits in the category, since it is still a personal homepage - but the content is completely different now and also actually of no use to other people, so that my site doesn't need or should be listed anymore. conny
Meta windharp Posted May 10, 2006 Meta Posted May 10, 2006 We don't remove sites that still fit into the category they are listed in. If you think the description isn't apropriate any longer, file an update request to have it changed. Make sure that the description you suggest does comply with the ODP guidelines. Keyword lists, marketing hype, everything with lot of exclamation marks and similiar stuff will most likely be rejected without any further look. Either check the existing entries or our guidelines for descriptions for examples. (Warum hast Du eigentlich nicht im deutschsprachigen Teil des Forums gefragt? Naja, egal. Geht auch so.) Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp
venusblau Posted May 10, 2006 Author Posted May 10, 2006 Thanks for the answer. I didnt know there was a German forum as well - and now I don't want to open a new thread. Well, I find it a bit odd that my site would be listed, even though I am against it. I think there should be a way to have a site removed, if the owner doesn't want to have it listed anymore. Especially since my site now contains rather personal information and is of no interest to people who don't know me. Either way, I also used the update link to have at least the description changed to "Fotos aus Japan" (Photos from Japan), but here as well no reaction occured. conny
Meta pvgool Posted May 10, 2006 Meta Posted May 10, 2006 There are several ways to get delisted. 1) make your site only accessible to people you want to visit your site (password) - we can't check the content and will delist the site 2) make the site in such a way that it breaks DMOZ guidelines In both cases change the site and make an update request BTW Internet is not a good place to store personal information. Everyone can see this information. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
venusblau Posted May 10, 2006 Author Posted May 10, 2006 Thank you, I have now put a passwort on the site and sent an update-request. I hope the site will be removed. The information was not so personal as not to have it online - but I think, I should be able to decide whether my page ist listed somewhere or not. Thank you for your answers
venusblau Posted May 16, 2006 Author Posted May 16, 2006 Okay, there is no editor for the category - and nothings happens to my removal messages. Even though my webpage is no longer accessable because I put a password on the main page. So if some editor reads this here, could you please remove my page from the listing? It now definately violates the official guidelines. Thank you so much conny
Meta hutcheson Posted May 16, 2006 Meta Posted May 16, 2006 This is not the place for re-review requests. The ODP has a very efficient way of handling them (as you've been told, and as you've done), so we basically ignore things like that over here. VERY efficient, it is. And that matters a lot to people who are doing the work (for free -- lawyers who get paid by the hour would be much less interested in efficiency, of course!) Now, EXPEDITIOUS, it isn't. But that doesn't matter (as much) to us. "Update Listing" requests get, on the average, quicker action than "suggest site review" requests. But instant, we don't offer.
venusblau Posted May 17, 2006 Author Posted May 17, 2006 I do respect your work and I am aware that all of you do this in your sparetime and for free. I still think, however, that everyone should be able to decide themselves if their page is listed in some directory or not. But I understand that I have to wait for someone to react to my update request. Thanks for your reply.
Meta pvgool Posted May 17, 2006 Meta Posted May 17, 2006 I still think, however, that everyone should be able to decide themselves if their page is listed in some directory or not. In DMOZ only the editors decide which site to list and which not to list. But I understand that I have to wait for someone to react to my update request. Not only does it take some time to proces a request. It also takes some time (normaly a few days) before any changes made by an editor are visible to the public. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
organix Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Remove Listing From ODP Hello venusblau. We too are completely dissatisfied with the way in which DMOZ has listed and titled our domains in the ODP. It is having a negative effect on our listings in Google and in other search engines. Had we known about this issue prior to requesting a listing in the ODP we would never have made our initial submission to DMOZ. One method we are using in our de-listing efforts is to use a .htaccess rewrite rule for the user-agent Robozilla. The rewrite rule generates a dead end for their robot and hopefully their editors get the message that we want absolutely nothing more to do with the ODP. For anyone else who would like to attempt this then here is the .htaccess rewrite condition and our rewrite rule (any dead end rewrite rule will suffice). <code removed> Good luck venusblau, [organix]
Meta hutcheson Posted May 18, 2006 Meta Posted May 18, 2006 I should caution you that dead links are manually checked: if the editor finds it "works for me", the site wouldn't be removed. So this is by no means a guaranteed approach.
bobrat Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 The end result being that your site will continually get re-reviewed by an editor, and attempts to obfuscate the DMOZ listing will be futile. In fact the site will be under greater scrutiny than most sites. You could try taking the site down for around three months, and hope an editor does not notice it becoming active again after that time.
organix Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Remove Listings from ODP Yes hutcheson, we understand that this is by no means an absolute method for listing removal from the ODP. If you look closely I used bold and underline on the word "hopefully". Attention is exactly what we want. DMOZ does not provide a method for listing removal, so everyone who would like their listings removed are invariably stuck. Another alternative is to violate the DMOZ Guidelines. But there is no way that we are going to violate your general terms because that would also jeopardise our established rank with the major search engines. So, it comes down to a simple rewrite condition. By consuming your time and by drawing attention to this issue we have launched the only method of protest that we have at our disposal. Hopefully your editors will get sick and tired of repetitive 404 checks on our domains and DMOZ will eventually get the message. As for taking our sites down for [3] or [4] months bobrat, you can't be serious. We have customers bud. Your suggestion borders on the absurd. All we want is our listings removed from the ODP. The easiest solution is to automate your robot. So until something is done on your end we will keep the rewrite conditions in place and continue to waste the time of the ODP editors. [organix]
spectregunner Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 In other words: until we do what you want, when you want, you reserve the right to trample all over us and the other submitters/suggesters who have the grace and dignity to await their turn. Nice, very nice. Says a lot about you, and hopefully provides some insight to the lurkers who wonder why we seem to be less open and cooperative than they hope.
bobrat Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 You could try taking the site down for around three months .. was tongue in cheek. But seeing that you plan on wasting editor's time, and interfering with the review of other sites, please consider it a serious suggestion. I'm sure others who are waiting for review would appreciate it.
organix Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 bobrat, thank you very much for informing the world where you keep your tongue when you type. Your "serious suggestion" has been noted, but we "seriously believe" that you are floundering in the technological swamp of your own imagination. spectregunner, we don't want to be listed in the ODP...we want to be removed from it. Windharp even stated further up in this thread: We don't remove sites that still fit into the category they are listed in. It seems DMOZ does not want to remove any of it's established listings. Why is this so? Why did Windharp make this statement? What's up with this non-removal policy? Past performance is usually a pretty good indication of future behavior. venusblau, ourselves and many others have already been down this road with DMOZ with respect to listing removal. It seems that your organization cannot summon the resources to automate this feature in Robozilla functions. If you had, then this conversation would not be taking place. The only organization that we want to harrass is DMOZ and we hope others who want immediate or automated listing removal will do the same. We humbly apologise to those who may be marginally effected by our actions, but we also hope that these people will stop and consider the detrimental consequences of being listed in the ODP before submitting their URL. Business is business. We do what we have to do. It is you who have forced our hand. You provide no reasonable alternatives. [organix] P.S. Why do you remove the .htaccess rewrite code? This information is available anywhere on the internet. Do you fear the open exchange of information and knowledge with respect to the user agent Robozilla? <code removed>
Sachti Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 It seems DMOZ does not want to remove any of it's established listings. Why is this so? Why did Windharp make this statement? What's up with this non-removal policy? There is no non-removal-policy, there is a "serve the directory-user"-policy. As long as a listing is providing unique content to the users of the directory it will not be removed.
Meta hutcheson Posted May 19, 2006 Meta Posted May 19, 2006 I think it's time to close this thread. The "we serve surfers, not website promoters" message has been repeated enough different ways, and demonstrated in action in several examples. That's not a policy, it's a mission: the mission that attracted and built THIS editing community. It's no surprise that the community thus built is not interested in a conflicting purpose.
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