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I've been reading many of the discussion threads about sites not being listed. We're in the same boat. We've read the FAQ but it still doesn't seem to answer why it has taken so long for our site (three months and counting...) when others get on in a matter of days. Our site is very specific and was submitted twice to the specific category type (Recreation, Pets, Breed, Bengal, Catteries, North America, United states). Our site is <url removed> but day after day comes and goes with no listing in the dmoz. What concerns me is that there is no feedback at all on wether the site has been reviewed and rejected or if it has been listed. We just check day after day and see no listing. I'm afraid to submit again for fear of being removed from the dmoz for too many submissions of the same site. Surely there is an editor that is interested in pet sites (lol):). Anyway, we're hopeful that we will be put on the dmoz before two years that have been referenced in several other postings:). I think I would hate to be an editor with so many sites waiting to be reviewed and listed. Too much to do and too little time to do it;).

We've read the FAQ but it still doesn't seem to answer why it has taken so long for our site (three months and counting...) when others get on in a matter of days.
There is no answer to that question. We can't offer an ETA on when any particular site might be reviewed. It may takes months or it may take years.


What concerns me is that there is no feedback at all on wether the site has been reviewed and rejected or if it has been listed.
Unfortunately, we don't provide feedback when a site has been reviewed and we no longer perform status checks here in this forum. The best advice we can give is for you to suggest your site (which you've already done and don't need to do again) and forget about it. Someone will eventually review it but thinking about it and worrying about it won't make it happen any faster.

I would suggest that checking day after day will continue to add to your frustration (I know since I once used to do that). The best thing to do is submit and forget.


Assume that sites will get added somewhere between one day after submisson and four years after submission, and that they will be reviewed in an entirely random order. (In fact there is usually some pattern to how sites are reviewed, but it's in the mind of the reviewing editor.)


Also some sites will never get listed.


In an ideal world, sites would be added in the order of how good they are, but that is impossible, since each site would have to be reviewed and compared against every other site (in a category) before any site is added to a category.


Here if you really got the money to put forth, I found a way you will have to contact Interactive Marketing at AOL/Time Warner <phone number removed>. I was really turned off at the price they gave me for my marketing package as I am not Donald, Bill, or Ralf. The women I spoke to told me I would have a listing in as little as week as part of the package.


You will have a very long wait on the phone to speak to some one as well. It took me over an hour to get to the right person.


I am very discusted after talking to them because there answer was they are able to override the stops and editors, that they have paid staff as well running Dmoz and it is not all Volunteer staff since they bought up Netscape Communications.


I will never pay for a listing I have gotten for other sites free.


Does this shock you editors, that AOL/Time Warner - Netscape Communications can do this.


What are your thought on this

  • Meta

There are many places that will offer site promotion for a fee -- Yahoo and Looksmart are "directories" that offer that. AOL and MSN are "portals" that offer that. Google, Yahoo, and others offer various advertising schemes.


AOL can't offer you a ODP listing, though -- just like Google doesn't offer you a paid Google search position. Although both of those might be considered useful from a promotional perspective, that's not the primary purpose.


I think you understood the AOL advertising people about as well as you understood the ODP editors.

  • Meta

I think you have been on the receiving end of a practical joke.


Yes, there is a very small paid staff. They are responsible for the computer hard and software. But if they were to list sites they must obey to the same rules as all volunteer editors.


The nice thing is that the phone number given by you belongs to a totaly different company.

Vitro America Inc

128 Transit Drive

Greenville, SC 29607

website vvpamerica.com

telephinenumber found through http://www.contractors.com and http://ypng.infospace.com


But if you have any proof that a real AOL employee has made such an offer please let is know.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

There are many places that will offer site promotion for a fee -- Yahoo and Looksmart are "directories" that offer that. AOL and MSN are "portals" that offer that. Google, Yahoo, and others offer various advertising schemes.


AOL can't offer you a ODP listing, though -- just like Google doesn't offer you a paid Google search position. Although both of those might be considered useful from a promotional perspective, that's not the primary purpose.


I think you understood the AOL advertising people about as well as you understood the ODP editors.



No I understand you clearly, and I understood her thats why I asked her 3 times and she told me "this will be no problem for her to do" you people need to check into this because this is what "the AOL/Timewarner Interactive Marketing Department" is telling people, it was not my question to her she brought up DMOZ in her on words. She listed many other sites as well.


I just wanted to boost my ratings in AOL and in the Netscape Search engines.

just like Google doesn't offer you a paid Google search position.



I am very sorry to correct you in this matter of Google I ended my campain with Google, I did pay for the top for listings in the google search.


The price is .22 cents and as low as .13 cents you will appear at the top postion of the search or on the side bar.


if you do not beleive me use the contact us page call me and I will turn on my listing long enought for you to see I am in the top for google. This is 'Fact' I do not go around looking for fights or trying to pick them


I think if you can call the number as well and you will hear the voice, if you have an hour or so to waste, wait for some one to help you and they will tell you just what I was told.


The number anwers "thank you for calling America onlines interactive makerting ....."


Of course you removed the proof I had given you

How did you look up that telephone number?


I called AOL main telephone number and the women gave it to me incase I was disconnected durring the trasfer of the call! You will be sent to the Manilla Call center then back to a unit some where in the USA!

I dont sit here and make up this stuff. I have better things to do includung pack because I am now getting ready to go offshore again in the morning for a supsosid 7 days. Yeah right 7 days "seeing is beleiving".

Let's say that AOL is indeed offering a listing in the ODP as a part of their broader advertising package. What would you have us do? AOL owns the ODP. *If* it is done, I suspect that it is done very carefully as an unlistable URL is likely to be subsequently removed by a volunteer editor.


BTW *I* removed the phone number -- if AOL wanted it publicized, you would have found it on their site. It was inappropriate of you to post it here.


pvgool, Vitro America doesn't appear to be using the number any more, judging by what they have on their site.

  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any light at the end of the tunnel


Much to my sheer exasperation, I am forced to agree with Bobrat. About 18 months ago I submitted a site to Computers/Consultants/Databases and Computers/Software/Consultants and then a few months later in March 2005, dropped in to see how I might be able to help it along. I took Bobrat's advice and waited.. Sniff!! still waiting :confused: and still not listed.


Now I'm not sure I know what to do. I figure 18 months shows a fair degree of patients, I only hope someone can help me and tell me what I should or need to do next. I haven't resubmitted because I hear tell that's a bad bad thing :eek:, but what about now. How long should I wait before resubmitting?


I would really appreciate any advice I can get







I would suggest that checking day after day will continue to add to your frustration (I know since I once used to do that). The best thing to do is submit and forget.


Assume that sites will get added somewhere between one day after submisson and four years after submission, and that they will be reviewed in an entirely random order. (In fact there is usually some pattern to how sites are reviewed, but it's in the mind of the reviewing editor.)


Also some sites will never get listed.


In an ideal world, sites would be added in the order of how good they are, but that is impossible, since each site would have to be reviewed and compared against every other site (in a category) before any site is added to a category.

  • Meta
How long should I wait before resubmitting?

That very question is answered in the FAQ: here :moz:

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

Thank you


Thanks Nea. Informative, but alas, not very encouraging. Oh well tis as Ned said, ‘Such is life’ back to the waiting room..... :rolleyes:

Guest krayed
Thanks Nea. Informative, but alas, not very encouraging. Oh well tis as Ned said, ‘Such is life’ back to the waiting room..... :rolleyes:


I second that. I started a thread asking similar questions. I should have read just one more post and I would have had my answers without exhausting my finger muscles and brain in trying to word it correctly so that my point is clear lol.

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