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Isn't dumpster diving where you go through people's rubbish and steal personal info?


I'd have thoughts sites on it would go to: Society/Crime/Theft/Identity_Theft/



  • Meta

Well here in a midwest college town, "dumpster diving" is usually going through dumpsters looking for things others have thrown away that you might be able to use-like lamps, chairs, paintings, posters, etc. It usually involves items that are discarded rather than packed up for moving, as opposed to not working or broken items.

Our local newspaper usually makes a big spectacle out of it about the time the university final exam weeks roll around :)



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"Dumpster diving" to me is most associated with rummaging through garbage for food.


Do we already have sites listed about dumpster diving? Unless there are (or you're planning on submitting a bunch), there's not much point in having a subcat for them just yet.


Down here also looking for things useful to you that others have discarded, although you might also get conventional recyclables (cans and bottles), or on a bad day, something to eat.


Although, our university students have cut out the middleman (the dumpster) and organize a donation event at the end of the term.



It's not really Science. I don't think there are that many websites about it (really about it, not just deeplinked articles), but if there are, I think it would be closer to intentional frugality. Probably after liftarn collects the sites s/he is thinking of, it would be easier to tell.


I submitted a few sites to http://dmoz.org/Science/Environment/Pollution_Prevention_and_Recycling/ All may not be usefull, there are some forums, a blog, a couple of personal sites... Have a look at them first.


It may not be science, but it's a recycling and it certainly isn't business so http://dmoz.org/Business/Energy_and_Environment/Waste_Management/Recycling/ is out of the question. Nor is it shopping so http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Recycling/ is no good either. http://dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Environment/Waste_and_Recycling/ may work.


The reasons people do it (information diving, frugal living, recreation...) and what people dive for (food, old computers, furniture...) may differ. I have done a bit of dumpster diving in my days, mostly for computers.

  • Editall/Catmv

Interesting idea. If no one else wants to look at them, (when they make their way through the spam filters) I'll look through them and see if I can come up with an idea of where the relevant category might go.


If we decide to create the category, you might apply to edit it....

  • Editall

Most of my encounters with the term have been along the lines of information gathering but I have occasionally heard it used in relation to salvaging other's discarded but otherwise useable items from the trash (usually technology related items).


I'm not sure I'd put it under Recreation though; Society might be more promising.

ODP Editor callimachus

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