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Becoming and Editor


I have followed some advice from an earlier posting and have offered my time as an editor. I selected a local listing here in St. Louis. There were no listings at all in this section. I think it is a much needed catagory due to the increase of specific geographical searches. My question is: How long should I wait to hear back on the offer? Thanks:)

Can you please update me on my application.
There's an application awaiting evaluation for that category and of that date, but with a different editor name. I'm pretty sure it's you though :).

I apologize for the multiple posts
No problem. A wave of my magic wand and poof, they're gone.



Jim- Thanks for the update. I had a question. I see that you used your name as your user name, as did I. Has that been an issue for you as an editor? I have requested to change mine.



as did I.
Umm, no you didn't.
Has that been an issue for you as an editor?
Not at all. However, if you're concerned about anonymity, you'll be less easily identified if you use something different as an editor name. Most do.

name change



I went to the FAQ and read that I would need to send an email to dmoz regarding the change. I did send that email to an administrator address I found on the site. In the FAQ it did not mention where to send it. I possibly sent it to.....no where... Do you know where I would send it?





Are you talking about changing your member name here at Resource-Zone or the ODP editor name that you applied for? There's no way to change the editorname associated with a pending application and if you're accepted as an editor, you're stuck with the editor name you picked.
  • Meta

This forum operates as an 'unoffical' ODP forum, it just is moderated by ODP editors. Nothing done here directly controls anything on dmoz.org or vice-versa. If you are referring to the the Forum FAQ that reads:

How can I change the information in my profile?

It is your responsibility to keep the information in your profile up-to-date. You should especially ensure that your email address is kept current. You can alter any of the fields in your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes yours for life. In extreme circumstances, you may request that the administrator change your username, but he or she will require a very good reason to do so.

Then you need to message with an admin of this forum. They are the ones that would change a username here if it was deemed necessary. As for editor names, those are not something that can be changed (at least 99.99% of the time) so once you choose an editor name to apply with be sure you really like it :)



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





Some direction needed


Shadow-thanks for the response. I went back to the FAQ




and found that paragraph, but it does not allow me to email or post anything there. I am not sure what editor you mean when you write


If you are referring to the the Forum FAQ that reads:



How can I change the information in my profile?

It is your responsibility to keep the information in your profile up-to-date. You should especially ensure that your email address is kept current. You can alter any of the fields in your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes yours for life. In extreme circumstances, you may request that the administrator change your username, but he or she will require a very good reason to do so.


Then you need to message with an admin of this forum.


Any further direction would appreciated.





  • Meta

Probably the easiest way would be to post in the members lounge. A forum search on the topic returns quite a few similar requests. The most relevant part in the guideline quote is the last sentence:


you may request that the administrator change your username, but he or she will require a very good reason to do so.


I don't think it happens very often, that a username will be changed but then I am not a forum admin :D



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




  • 1 month later...

Any News



Can you please give me a status on my application. I applied on August 14, 2006

Category: Top: Regional: North America: United States: Missouri: Business and Economy: Computers and Internet


Username FolsSTL

Thank you:)

As explained in the "Important -- read before posting" thread at the top of this forum, you need to provide a clickable link to the category you applied to.
It was declined on 9th September on the grounds that the category is unsuitable for a newbie and email was sent. There were additional reviewer comments which I'm sending to you by PM.
Please keep all of your posts regarding your applications to this thread, rather than creating a new thread each time. Thanks. I've combined all of your application threads into one.

Had a error message


Yesterday I submitted an editor registration for:



user name folsstl


I then in a few minutes received my confirmation email. It asked me to reply without touching the title. I did. I however received an email today that says there was an error. :confused:


I am not asking for an update....due to the short time period. I just wanted to know if the application had an issue? Should I resend it?






This came in an email


Here is the error message that came by email after I responded to the confirmation email:

Your Open Directory editor application could not be confirmed.

The error received was:


Can't find your authentication ticket

That indicates that the ticket was valid (meaning the subject of your reply was OK) but that it has already been responded to. That will happen if you accidentally respond to the email twice -- the first response clears the ticket and the second then can't find it.

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