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I just wanted to say Thank You to the Resource Zone forum!


This forum should be required reading for anyone interested in becoming an editor, submitting a site, and wanting to know the status of thier submissions. Before coming here, the ODP was a faceless, unbreakable monolith in my mind. The ODP didn't care about my submissions. The ODP didn't want me as an editor, The ODP was the root of all evil!


Since I've spent some time reading about what goes on "behind the scenes" and posting some questions, I have a completely different view of the ODP. It REALLY is edited by human beings, many with the same life complications and commitments that I have! Wow! That I can relate to.


Now I understand why my site has not been listed yet, why I haven't been accepted as an editor, and the ODP is not the root of all evil. This forum really does a great job of putting a face on the Open Directory Project!


Thanks again resource zone!


  • Meta

I wish it was that easy for everyone to understand :) Oh and your welcome. ;)


and the ODP is not the root of all evil

Oooh be careful who you say that too, it may get you flogged on some forums. :D



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




I wish it was that easy for everyone to understand :) Oh and your welcome. ;)



Oooh be careful who you say that too, it may get you flogged on some forums. :D


LOL!! A week ago, I probably would've been the guy holding the cat o' nine tails.


But...{speaking in an evangelical tone} You have shown me the light! {end envangelist}

  • Meta

Amazing what you discover when you actually look at the facts and not base opinions on second hand hear-say information offered only by those who have had a bad experience. ;) Glad you found the truth both useful and helpful.





*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




Unfortunately, people think that the directory is evil just because an editor wouldn't list their site/their site hasn't been gotten to yet. Others base it on mere hearsay. However, as an editor with access to all the editor information I can honestly say that the directory is most definitely not evil.

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