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I recently was turned down for an editor position because the category already had an editor.


I would like to suggest some type of indicator of whether a category has an open editor position, perhaps an icon, or when you click to apply for the category a box saying there are no open positions at this time.


As it is now, its a complete waste of time for people to apply only to find out there are no openings in the category they are applying for. Very frustrating, and it also deters you from wanting to apply for another category only to be told the same thing.





  • Meta
I have not seen your application, but only in very rare occasions the presence of another editor is the reason for denial. Since I know the form letters, I am pretty sure that it has another reason: The chosen category is to large for a new editor. Most likely that was the case, but I can't tell without knowing the category.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • Meta
I would like to suggest some type of indicator of whether a category has an open editor position, perhaps an icon, or when you click to apply for the category a box saying there are no open positions at this time.

Well, there already is an indicator: The "Volunteer to edit this category."-link are on all categories open for application. If the category is closed there simply is no link. Same goes for the "become an editor"-link on categories which already have a named editor.

Curlie (Dmoz) Meta editor informator
That's not entirely accurate, informator. Categories that are too large for a new editor may still have the "Volunteer to edit this category" notice.
  • Meta

Oops, you´re right about that of course :o


So, even if a category has an apply-link one should also consider how many sites are listed there, as stated in the Guidelines:

In general, applicants should take care to apply to a small, underdeveloped category at first. Generally, applicants who apply for too broad of a category are asked to narrow their focus, and apply for a lower level category.
Curlie (Dmoz) Meta editor informator

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