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I'm hoping someone can help me.


When I registered to be listed with DMOZ. I didnt realized all my competitors are listed in the following category


Top: Health: Alternative: Massage Therapy and Bodywork: Workplace Massage


and I'm listed here


Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: M: Mississauga: Health: Alternative


any suggestion on how to change categories.



Maria, RMT

A listing in Regional doesn't preclude a second listing in Health so it's not a case of requesting a move. Just suggest your site to the Health category.


now that I think about it. When I first registered I might have done 2 submissions one to the region and the other to http://dmoz.org/Health/Alternative/Massage_Therapy_and_Bodywork/Workplace_Massage/


Any suggestions.


Also for the regional listing we recently moved from Mississauga to Toronto


Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: M: Mississauga: Health: Alternative



Maria, RMT


I just read that DMOZ no longer does a status check. I just want to know if i submit my site to Top: Health: Alternative: Massage Therapy and Bodywork: Workplace Massage but I submitted in November will I be blacklisted



Maria, RMT

  • Editall
You can submit again to the topical category if you can't recall whether you already did or not. 2 submissions in a year does not a spammer make. If you have mioved location, you can request an update by using the update link at the top of the page you are currently listed on.

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.

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