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Can I list all pages of my site in the Open Directory if I am the editor??

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Hi All


I would like to draw attention to all the site owners about an existing truth. I recently found that in a particular category Home : Cooking, 2 websites are having their entire site listed in all the categories under Home : Cooking.


1> http://www.recipezaar.com/ has 271 pages listed in DMOZ under all the Home : Cooking category

2> http://www.perfectentertaining.com has 50 pages listed Home: Cooking: Beverages Category


It is very disappointing to know that some sites have been given undue privilege. Site-owners have been trying hard to get listed in DMOZ. It takes years to get a listing of a home page in any particular category. It should be alarming for all the ODP editors, they should have a look into it. It is really very surprising for us to see that some websites have all their pages listed in DMOZ.


A further clarification with a justified answer on the above issue is required




  • Meta

Let me quote our FAQ for editors in the cooking section:


Q: Is it acceptable to list deeplinks?

A: Yes, within the guidelines presented below. Cooking recipes and preparation information may reside within a site and be easy to use only if specific pages or sections are deeplinked. Avoid listing newspaper articles or other sites which may not be permanent.


Q: How many deeplinks to megasites are allowable?

A: You may deeplink large guides down to the most specific ingredient or collection level available, if there is a category for it.


The organization of these megasites will not necessarily match that of ODP. Thus, the pages available within a site for deeplinking may vary. For instance, suppose you are looking for sites for Home/Cooking/Fondue. If a megasiteA.com contains a fondue section, it would be appropriate to deeplink to that page. If, however, megasiteB contains no fondue section, then it is appropriate to deeplink to individual fondue recipes.


You can deeplink a megasite for as many product categories as match our taxonomy. That is, if "MegaRecipeCollection.com" has a cassrole section, a Ukrainian Cuisine section, and a Broccoli section, each of these sections can be deeplinked in the corresponding Home/Cooking categories of /Casseroles, /World_Cuisines/European/Ukrainian, and /Fruits and Vegetables/Broccoli.


So in the section you mention, it is perfectly fine (and common) if large sites are heavily deeplinked.


Additionally, in former times we used to list single recipes as well. We usually don't do so nowadays, but - as you will certainly understand - changing what is already there is very timeconsuming and considered not high-priority.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




"You can deeplink a megasite for as many product categories as match our taxonomy. "


So today if i launch a new website (or a large site heavily deeplinked) on cooking covering all the product categories, then is it understood that all my pages will get listed in the appropriate categories of DMOZ ??????


I have read the FAQ for editors in the cooking section, I would like to read the FAQ for editors for all the categories available in DMOZ. Can you give me the link of the FAQ ?


Does DMOZ follow the same rule for other categories like Birthday, Love, Friendship ?


It is very hard to believe that 257 pages of a single website is listed in DMOZ. Earlier we used to think that getting home page listing in DMOZ is a big achievement. But after seeing this, we have to change our mind. :confused:

  • Meta

Check out http://dmoz.org/about.html ; in addition, every category can have a link to its own specific charter -- which may impact all of its subcategories.


>So today if i launch a new website (or a large site heavily deeplinked) on cooking covering all the product categories, then is it understood that all my pages will get listed in the appropriate categories of DMOZ ?


Obviously we can't give a positive commitment on a hypothetical situation that doesn't address our guidelines or criteria.


You should focus on producing unique authoritative content, and follow the submittal guidelines (that is, suggest the site once to the most appropriate category). The editors will do their best for surfers, based on the editing guidelines, category charters, and personal judgment based on editing and surfing experience -- which necessarily involves considerations that an executive summary can't cover.

  • Meta
"You can deeplink a megasite for as many product categories as match our taxonomy. "


So today if i launch a new website (or a large site heavily deeplinked) on cooking covering all the product categories, then is it understood that all my pages will get listed in the appropriate categories of DMOZ ??????

No, deeplinks can get listed if an editor thinks it is usefull for our customers. In cases of massive deeplinking like cooking such a decission will always be made by a group of editors after internal discussion.


I have read the FAQ for editors in the cooking section, I would like to read the FAQ for editors for all the categories available in DMOZ. Can you give me the link of the FAQ ?



Does DMOZ follow the same rule for other categories like Birthday, Love, Friendship ?

No, we don't. Deeplinking like in cooking is an exception you won't find in other parts of the directory.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


So today if i launch a new website (or a large site heavily deeplinked) on cooking covering all the product categories, then is it understood that all my pages will get listed in the appropriate categories of DMOZ ??????


BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....you'd be lucky if you got listed at all. :D

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