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I realize it takes a long time for a website to be reviewed and considered for inclusion. I believe I've only been waiting 3 months, so I'm not expecting anything for a while. :) However, I do have some questions related to my entry...


1. When/if a site is refused admission, do you guys submit a rejection letter or something to that nature?


2. [removed, found my answer]


3. The category I'm attempting to list in has roughly 20 or so entries in it. I applied a while back as an editor for that directory, but was given a rejection letter stating something to the effect that the category was too big for a novice editor. What size category is appropriate for a new editor? There is one sub category below mine that only has 2 listings. Would I qualify for that as a new editor?


4. Does DMOZ have my original application on file? I typed a wealth of information in my original application that I'd really hate to type again. It felt like a resume. If DMOZ has my original application on file, it would be helpful for me to just resubmit an application to a newer/smaller category without having to retype my life history.


5. When submitting an application for an editor, it asks for sample websites that I would recommend for this category. Does this mean I need to find new/unlisted websites and write commentary for them? or can I find sites that are already listed and resubmit them with more appropriate descriptions?


Thanks for your responses.

  • Meta

1. No

2. OK

3. I don't review editor application but from what I have heard 20 listed sites is normaly not to big.

4. No

5. Yes, you need to find 3 sites that are not listed yet and that fit in the category

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta
I realize it takes a long time for a website to be reviewed and considered for inclusion.

Note it doesn't always take long periods of time for a review to happen. Sometimes they happen rather quickly (even before the site was ever suggested in the first place ;) ) it just depends on the category and when editors become interested in it.

I believe I've only been waiting 3 months, so I'm not expecting anything for a while. :)

Hopefully you aren't expecting anything at all, because no sites are guaranteed a listing. You are also not likely to hear anything back regarding a review anyway-unless of course the site is listable then eventually you will see the URL included, but you won't receive an editor response in most cases regarding the review. ;)


Adding to pvgool's response:


3. No 20 sites would not be too large, so long as you are including the total of all sub-categories as well. Some categories only list a handful of sites but have several large sub-categories which would be included in permissions to edit that would also have to be included in reviewing the application.




5. Yes sample sites are necessary, the 2-3 (3 is preferable) sample sites you provide should also not all be your own or your affiliated sites.



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




The category I'm attempting to list in has roughly 20 or so entries in it. I applied a while back as an editor for that directory, but was given a rejection letter stating something to the effect that the category was too big for a novice editor. What size category is appropriate for a new editor? There is one sub category below mine that only has 2 listings. Would I qualify for that as a new editor?
If you applied for a 20 site category and received the standard "this category is too broad or is larger than we typical assign to new editors" reply, the "too broad" part probably applies. This can sometimes happen in cases where, say, someone applies to a high level Regional category with sites that belong at the locality level.

Thank you for the responses. They were helpful.


Now, some followups.


Ok, so its basically a submit-it-and-forget-it system. I would love to have it included, but I'm not holding my breath. :)


The category I'm applying for is:


Business/Investing/Derivatives/Options/Research_and_Analysis/ I don't see any subcategories there, but I could be mistaken. Is this too big for a new editor?


I could also use a bit more clarification on my last question. Are you able to submit your own site as a sample? I didn't do that on my last application b/c I figured that would be a red flag.

  • Meta

Size is not just the number of listings, it's the amount of suggestions. Usually, in a category where the suggestions are way out of line with the listings, that indicates a major affiliate-or-doorway-or-MADFADS spam magnet. (You would know better than I whether that is a possibility for that category; and some googling for interesting keywords would tell you even more.)


You can suggest your own site as a sample; if you do, make sure you list three good sample sites (your own and one other looks like lowballing). Mentioning your own site is not a red flag, although the nature of that site might be ;) But there's another place for your site on the form -- in the "affiliations" section. On the "overqualifications are the best kind" theory of job applications, one would use the three slots for three OTHER sites, and mention in the affiliations comments that one's own site would also fit there.

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